"I Miss Bayberry, Sitting On the Porch..."?
On January 14th, 2011 the band released a brand new EP to the world at Harrisonburg's Clementine Cafe. I, sadly, was not in attendance. Yet, I downloaded the Bayberry EP right away and listed to it. Just because Casey is a friend of mine, doesn't mean I'm going to say what I'm getting ready to say. Ok? Ok. The Bayberry EP is fantastic. I listened to it for days straight. On my computer, my iPod, in my car as I drove, and even once as some tunes to fall asleep to.I am a big fan of the way the EP starts with a bang with Coming Home, as Casey's unique vocals and the catchy beats and chorus that makes you want to sing along, suck you in. After that point, you're hooked.
The Becoming catches your interest as you hear an acoustic-electric duet and some different vocals coming in from Sam (later Casey) that are just perfect for the song (check the great harmonizing in the chorus by the way).
Your Love, the 3rd track, slows it down a little for you with some great acoustic picking, some simple drumming, a little piano, and Casey's versatile voice almost morphs into exactly what it needs to be for this track.
Find You ends the EP with a nice build up to the song that I wished hit a little harder as the build up ended. To me it needed a POP between intro and song, but that's personal preference. Casey and John mix their vocals on this last song, which has a bit more of a rock feel to it, which I'm not sure how I feel about it still. I think the band is fantastic in their usual alternative and kind of americana/folk style. This song is different, not bad, but I prefer some of their other songs to this one. I must admit that I love the way it ends though. I think it's creative with the echoing voices fading out with some synth that reminds me a lot of Coldplay actually. It's not the most emphatic way to end the Bayberry EP, but I definitely dig it!
So...out of the 4 songs, they are all good and offer their own great moments, while some definitely get stuck in your head more than others. The Casey Cavanagh Band did a great job with this EP and I think there is much more to come from these guys, even as their college years draw to an end. I think my biggest problem with the EP though is this: WHY ONLY 4 SONGS?! Gah! It just made me want more! And in my opinion, that means they did a great job if I can't help but replay the album several times a day. Fantastic EP.
If you want to download Bayberry by The Casey Cavanagh band for FREE, click here.
If you want to follow/check out the band on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, or MySpace, click here.

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