...and that means it's almost time for another holiday that is kind of weird. The concept is: kids put on a weird costume, threaten to trick/prank you if they don't get candy, and everyone celebrates spooky stuff.
1) Most kid's costumes are lame. If they're not lame, then most of them are bought by college girls who don't properly fit into the costume, yet they wear it anyways because it's common knowledge that Halloween is an excuse to reveal what a skank you truly are, and how your big butt, in fact, does not fit into a youth medium sized costume of a police officer.
2) Kids will NEVER prank you if you don't give them candy. The only pranks that happen are teenagers that TP a house or too. Oh no! Not that!
3) I thought people hated being scared? So why do we only love it on this one single day?
#3 is now where I focus my attention. I LOVE scary movies, I love a good scare, yet most people don't. What I'm going to encourage everyone to do this Halloween is:
I recommend a haunted house, corn maze, forest, trail, cabin, hay ride, cave, etc.
If you're too much of a wuss, then just rent
Nightmare on Elm Street or
The Exorcist and invite a bunch of friends.
If you live near a city you're bound to have some fun Halloween stuff to do, such as Richmond's Haunted Insane Asylum! Regardless of where you're from, check
this site out to see what kind of haunted things are around you (it's sort of hard to see but there might be multiple pages of venues, click the orange links to the next page at the bottom, after you search your area)!
Last year, my best friends and I all went together (BatCave + SafeHarbor) to a cavern in the Shenandoah Valley called Endless Caverns. They had a pretty good Haunted Cave with lots of fog, a weird guide, lots of surprises, and of course...chainsaws. I got scared a few times, and also had a great time not warning Casey when someone was sneaking up on her so that I could watch her practically wet herself. Good times. The guys and I even convinced the owners to give us free shirts so we could advertise the Haunted Cave. Free shirt and a good scare. Great Halloween!
Now go and get scared!
-People may not always enjoy being scared or frightened, but sometimes, in good company, a decent scare can make us really feel alive.
