Things You Never Wanted to Know...But You Should...If You're Awesome

After a long weekend of working...20 hours out of 48's good to relax. I slept like a log last night. Good for me. Sorry for all you 9-5ers and students but I get to sleep in til noon on most days if I feel like it. Suck on that.

Moving on. I realized, after doing some research, that I have approximately 5 brand new visitors to my website every day. That's awesome! If you're one of those losers that likes to bury the miseries of their lives by making an escape from the real world by visiting various internet sites that ranges from hard-core porn to the ramblings and rants of a young adult's blog that really isn't even that interesting...well then welcome to my website! Glad to have ya! So, if you're one of those new folks, you should know a few things about me. Yet, I don't want to give you the kind of facts everyone else does: male, brown hair, brown eyes, ripped biceps, peanut butter, and fire-eating. Instead, I'll give you the little known Tyler facts. Here we go!

- I love to sleep on my back. Do I snore? Yes. Do I care about disturbing others? Only if I like them.
- I hate when my parents call the house phone to talk to me. I have my cell phone in my pocket for a reason.
- I hate candy corn. Except, for some reason every Halloween I think to myself, "Maybe I'll like it this time." So I try some. I still hate it.
- I hate popcorn. Especially kettle corn. Popcorn is like styrofoam packing "peanuts" that have been lightly salted. Barf. Oh and don't forget those awesome little flakes that get stuck in your teeth until your gums bleed. Yay! And, exactly like candycorn, every couple months I think to myself, "Maybe I'll like it this time." I still don't.
- I own every single Batman movie, from the Adam West one up until The Dark Knight.
- I eat cereal approximately 360/365 days of the year. Could you eat lasagna for breakfast? I think not. Cereal must be eaten every day, even if I wake up at noon.
- I dislike lame music such as Hinder, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Soulja Boy, Beiber, Creed, etc....then again most people do.
- I could survive on a diet of peanut butter....JUST peanut butter.
- Pomegranates are my favorite fruit. Followed closely by bananas and strawberries.
- My girlfriend is a fox. Not a literal fox of course...but we did see a fox together one time!
- Fantastic Mr. Fox was an awesome movie. I loved it. Very underrated. Ask Jithu.
- When it comes to books, I love reading "the classics." I have approximately 175 books. A couple of them are from my grandpa's collection are have copyrights from BEFORE 1900.
- I have read all 7 Harry Potter books. Judge me.
- Before each new Harry Potter book came out, I reread ALL of the previous ones so I could remember all the little details and plot lines.
- Guilty pleasure in music: Hits from boy bands
- Biggest music dislike: 95% of musical's music (Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, and Singin' In the Rain are exempt)
- Guilty pleasure in movies: Pretty Woman and The Holiday
- I may or may not be much nerdy than you might think.
- I played volleyball in high school, decided not to in college, and regret it because I know I'm good and I really miss playing.
- I played soccer for 14 years, I miss playing, but I'm not especially talented.
- For birthday's, my mom always makes us a Waldorf Red Cake. Screw chocolate cake.
- I'm kind of bad at keeping in touch.
- Rarely do my feet smell bad.
- I think that a newly opened bag of Fritos smells kind of like shrimp. Try it on a mini-bag!
- I am ALWAYS hot. Thanks for those genes, Dad.
- I love to rant and rave.
- I lived with my best friends for 2 years, right down the street from more best friends, and not far away from a couple more that didn't live with us...but they practically did anyways.
- I made lifelong friendships working JMU Orientation.
- Alicia Cagnoli. The End.
- I don't like cats.
- I like the way cats taste.
- And lastly...if I had to summarize my life in one word for the people of Earth to put down on record as the definition of my life it would be peanut butter.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I would say, "Hey brotha! Send me your random facts too!" But I don't care. So don't bother. If you do send me them, I will simply fabricate strange ones, then blog about how weird you are. So don't send me any. That is all. Goodbye.

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