So...I'm going to start laying some of my photos on you when I get the chance. On my website I have a photo section, except the most recent photo in there is from September 2010. So, I'd like to try to give you a photo or 2 every week or so. Except, here's my thing...I'm weird with my photographs because I don't take my camera everywhere that I think will be a photo opportunity. I do that because I kind of like to view things as they are, not as "oh that'll be a great picture!" If I know I can easily come back to that place, then I leave my camera, or only snap a few. If I know that odds are pretty good I won't be back there again, then I bring my camera along and take photos when it catches my eye. I'm not big into setting off with the purpose of creating art. Sometimes that's too forced. Then again, some of the photos on this website were taken during a photo hunt! A few of them are from moments, an instant, something that was a flash...something I needed my camera by my side for. Such as the fly on its back, or the smiling musicians. So, in some cases taking my camera everywhere paid off. Except, the majority of my great pictures come from me first seeing something with my eye, taking it in, soaking it up, then confining it, limiting it, to my photo. So, sometimes I'd rather leave my camera at home and simply view the world for what it is. It's one big creation. It's not some place for me to spin around and be thinking "how can I make this look artsy and creative?" Screw that. That's so fake. So false. Bleh. But that's just my opinion on that. now are a few pictures I took while I happened to be on some adventures in the last month or so. I took only, on average, 15 pictures at each of these places...and I actually plan to go back to the park near me and have a photo that I got to spend a full day there simply taking it all in.
First, we got the Packers game I went to! I've been a Green Bay Packers fan my whole life. I love sports. Yet, I did not love losing to the Redskins. Great day though to have my first NFL game! This was a picture taken during a timeout when this girl was getting kind of sleepy. Now, before you think it's too cute, please know that any time she stood up...the majority of her butt was visible. Just think about that. No...don't actually. Ew.

Now, here is a picture of the peahen (yes female peacocks are actually called peahens...who knew?!) that jumped right out of her enclosure and started walking around. Apparently they're allowed to do that at Maymont Park in Richmond. I love this picture. It was such a funny moment and I took it trying to show that she's just peacing out and doing what she wants.
And the last picture here from my day at Maymont is actually one that I wouldn't be surprised if it was pretty commonly taken. I feel like it's a great photo spot and all someone has to do to find this beautiful pattern, this change of scenery, is to look up. And that's what I did to get this iron pattern against the sky with the sun glaring in from off in the distance.
Alright...that's all for now. I hope you enjoy these few basic snapshots. Look for some more in the future of other adventures and trips I go on! Have a good night!
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