Vids for the Kids: 12/28

For the first time...I will be reviewing a full-length feature film. I will promise to do my best to not give away any important plot points of the movie in this review. But, I will still be touching on the basic plot and what I thought of it all. If you don't want it to be ruined at all...stop reading. Here for you now, on today's Vids for the Kids (that's you all!), I present:

Black Swan

Natalie Portman with white facial makeup, black-winged eye liner around bloodshot red eyes, and a jagged crystal tiara.

The best way that I was able to describe this film was: a beautiful confusing film.

Natalie Portman stars as the lead, Nina, alongside Mila Kunis, who plays Lily. Other notables in the film were Winona Ryder, as Beth, and Vincent Cassel as Thomas.

The basic plot of the film revolves around Nina, a dancer who still lives with her overprotective mother, in New York. Nina's mother used to be a dancer herself, but now devotes her time to Nina and her dancing. The film begins with a New York ballet company beginning a new season, trying new things, and hoping to find the right new dancer. The company decides to put on a production of the horribly overdone Swan Lake. Except, this year they search for a new lead, a young new dancer to fill the shoes of Beth, who is retiring. Yet, it appears that she is not retiring completely by her choice, as she destroys her dressing room in a fit of anger. Nina competes for the role of the Swan Queen, having the difficult task of dancing as both the pure and innocent White Swan and also the sultry and seductive Black Swan. She competes against many dancers, including Lily, and leaves the auditions thinking she has failed. In her audition, Thomas even tells her she is perfect for the White Swan, yet he does not see the Black Swan's nature inside of her, like he sees it in Lily. Yet, after a conversation with Thomas, Nina surprisingly shows him her Black Swan side. Nina gets the lead as the Swan Queen.

From this point, the movie takes off, and becomes a beautiful confusing film. Don't get me wrong though, that's not a bad thing. Things get strange, weird, sexual, freaky, and confusing (not stuff you'd want to watch with your parents). Yet, it is all for the sake of Nina becoming a better dancer, and filling the role of the Black Swan perfectly. She has the White Swan down, yet she cannot let herself go, get into the music, lose herself, and become the Black Swan like Thomas wants her to, and like Lily does. The rest of the film regards Nina's challenges in attempting to perfect her role, her strange relationship with Thomas, her overbearing mother, and her fears that her understudy, Lily, seeks to take her role as the Swan Queen. Through a strange series of events, that as a viewer you cannot tell what is real or not, you begin to see Nina take on the role. Yet, she becomes someone she is not, as well. She was such a beautiful and pure woman, a perfect person to play the White Swan. Now she is often angry, has strange rashes, hallucinates, steals, and is paranoid about the intentions of Lily. Nina may actually be turning into the Black Swan, just like Thomas wants.

Overall, it was a fantastic movie. I would say it was one of the best that I've seen this year. While it was a bit slow to start, did not pull me in like I thought it would, when it finally did grab me...I was hooked and couldn't look away. The ending, it all comes together, the confusion clears, and you see something beautiful and emotional.

Portman's face throughout the film does not change very much...and that bothers me A LOT. Yet, I have to admit that her acting was fantastic and I think she is definitely in the running for an Oscar win. Mila Kunis was a huge surprise in this film as well. While she usually plays the funny/laid back girl, she brought those attractive bits of her typical roles to this new role. While I hated her ugly stereotypical slutty ghetto 7th-grade girl streaky hair, I loved her acting. I think she was the best in the film for many reasons. She played Lily, yet played a whole 'nother person as well. Sadly, that last sentence might make no sense unless you see the film. So go see it. I will honestly say that I think the acting of Kunis should win her an Oscar...but sadly, I'm not sure she will actually win. My love, Winona Ryder, who I still find more attractive than many Hollywood actresses, even at 39, also brought so much to the table with her role.
Her character was not a main one, yet a vital one, and a very complex role to play, which she did quite well. Cassel was great in his slightly unnerving role as well, and so was Nina's mother, Barbara Hershey. Many awards will be given to this group of actors and actresses for their roles in this film.

Besides just acting though, the cinematography, editing, music, and choreography, were all fantastic. It sucks you in, gives you goosebumps down your spine, and makes your jaw drop at how amazing it all looks. Creating a film revolving around dance is incredibly hard, you can't just take a Busby Berkeley approach anymore, so they took a sort of The Red Shoes approach in showing Nina's obsession and envelopment in dancing. Black Swan was able to bring those creative elements together, make it work in their own unique way, suck in the viewer, and create a fantastic film. A fantastic film. A must-see. Now stop reading and go see it.

Black Swan gets 9 out of 10 stars from me.

(With the only major deduction coming from the fact that I was confused during much of the movie. Yet, in hindsight, that kind of made the movie what it is.)

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SotM: 12/27

It's been a few days away from you my friends. It's the holiday season, so I might be away for a few more days. But don't worry...I'll give you something nice before I leave for extended periods of time. For now, I've got a quick little diddy for ya! Enjoy!

Song of the Moment 12/27
The Power is On by The Go! Team

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Christmas Eve

So it's the 24th of December again. Sweetness. I'm pumped. We always do cool stuff on Christmas Eve at my house that lots of other families don't. It's just become this giant night of traditions that we just started up as a family...and they're pretty awesome. So tonight will be filled with family, a dinner buffet, church, the Jefferson Hotel, Christmas lights, 1 present, left-over buffet food, then bed. I'm REALLY pumped.

Not only is today a great day, but the winter time is great as well. One of the main reasons for that is because people come back. In Richmond, it's a little lonely sometimes because lots of my friends work 9-5s, are in other cities, or are still in school.

Well, not right now they ain't! My brother and his girlfriend are coming from the MD/DC area, Cummings is back from school, Dreiling is back from school, Clint is back from NC, Rob came back from San Diego, my girlfriend came to visit last week, Erin is back from school, Chris is back from Haiti, Jithu might be visiting, I might even see Caitlin as well, and there are probably dozens more people that are around that I hope to see while they're home to visit! Then for New Year's Eve I get to get together with my old roommates/best friends/the girls & the guys and have a good time in New Jersey. Why are we going to Jersey you ask? Beats me. But regardless, I get to see my old gang who I haven't been together with, as a group, since graduation. Some of us will still be missing...but it could be worse. We'll definitely miss the ones that won't be there, and we know they'll miss us too. So, on this Christmas Eve, I'm just really thankful for this time of year for multiple reasons, The Reason for the Season...etc., but to keep it easy on you...I'm thankful that old friends are reunited and there is so much cheer and happiness in one of the coldest and dreariest months of the year. Thank you December.

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SotM: 12/22

'Tis the season for celebrating Hump Days...

To help you get through "hump day" I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

Because I don't feel like wasting my time pleasing you needy people...I'm keeping this one super brief.
1) A single, released the end of November, from an awesome Brit lady
2) Everyone loves the videos that are made by this band. Here's another of their awesome ones for a song off their 2010 album, recommended by a friend
3) My favorite song off their new album, Crazy Wonderful, now has a music video

Quick and dirty. That's efficiency for ya! I hope you enjoyed today's fast food Hump Day Combo Meal with a side of "get outta here!"

Song(s) of the Moment 12/22

Rolling in the Deep by Adele

Last Leaf by OK Go

On the Ocean by Guster

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Album of the Moment: 12/21

3-4 weeks ago I downloaded the new Girl Talk album. It's titled All Day, and it comes from the Illegal Art label once again. Illegal Art has other artists like The Legion of Doom, and Illegal Art is also infamous for their album Deconstructing Beck.

Gregg Gillis aka Girl Talk, used to be an engineer, but quit a few years ago to focus solely on his music. Good choice. He is a mash-up artist, not a DJ, and he creates unique tracks by combining tracks from various different artists. So, you might get some sweet bass from Boston's Foreplay/Long Time and it gets combined with some rapping from Ludacris and then they seamlessly transition and become Elton John's Tiny Dancer plus Notorious BIG's Juicy....or something like that. And yes, those combinations have actually been used by Girl Talk on past albums. And yes, they were both as amazing as they sound.

Many of you have probably heard of Girl Talk, yet you'd be surprised how many students I remember giving tours to at JMU and when I asked if they had heard of the recent artists to perform at JMU, less than half of them had heard of Girl Talk. I was consistently surprised at how few potential students knew of Girl Talk and his magical music. So, for those of you, whether you have or have not heard his stuff, for you I would now like to briefly review his new release.

All Day by Girl Talk, released on Illegal Art, came out November 15 of this year. It is 12 tracks of amazing music, all put together in his usual amazing way. Yet, this album doesn't have the same feel to me as his past ones. I remember first listening to Night Ripper and Feed the Animals, and thinking that all I wanted to do was throw a loud, sweaty, strobe-light-filled, glow-stick-twirling, crazy dance party...immediately. Well, on this album I didn't exactly get the same feel. While there are still some tracks that make me want to do that, this time I feel more like just rocking out. You know...just road trip, blasting these tunes, or while going on a run maybe? Maybe that's just me being used to Girl Talk's stuff and Night Ripper was so new and inventive and creative to me that it just blew me away and melted my face. Maybe All Day is just as good, but I don't realize it. Correction: it is just as good, but in a different way. This album was practically flawless. I felt like I had been listening to songs for 2 minutes then next thing you know I look down and I'm on track 8. Time flew as I listened. I was just sucked into it all and didn't want it to end. In my opinion, Girl Talk is the best at mash-up music in the game right now (but he best watch his back for artists like Cocaine Mortgage!). He puts together incredible combinations and makes it flow and mix together so smoothly and perfectly that you're surprised that your parents are enjoying the music almost as much as you are. All Day does just that, it takes beautiful music, puts it together with music that you'd never imagine it could fit with...but he does it. The album is meant to be listened to as one giant track, and it's a beautiful 1 track album if I do say so.

Personally, who thought that Simon & Garfunkel would be able to party with Lil John? Not this guy. Yet Girl Talk did it. Personally, that's my favorite mash-up from this album. I had no clue that Cecilia could really Get Low like that. I replayed that song, This is the Remix, dozens of times, the first time I listened to the album. And so far All Day has received good reviews from multiple music critics, and I will have to agree with them. I'd say...overall...I give Girl Talk's All Day album...

8.5 out of 10

(...with the only large deduction coming from the fact that I was rocking out to a song that had Miley Cyrus music as the bass. As I thought about that, I realized that the people at the stop light that could hear my music, didn't hear Girl Talk, they just heard Party in the USA's bass vibrating from my car. Darn you Girl Talk for making people think I was partying with Miley!)

Click HERE to download All Day by Girl Talk

Thanks for reading, I hope you appreciated it, and I hope you enjoy Girl Talk's new album!

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My Nicknames

Sorry for the hiatus my friends. It was only 3 days though! I'm back now.

One thing I thought about recently was the plethora of nicknames I have had over the years. Some have been inappropriate and will then not be directly mentioned/featured on this blog post, but they will be hinted at for your amusement. Yeah...these just randomly came to mind when I saw an old friend a few days ago and he called me by an old nickname that I haven't heard in a long time. Here for you now is a listing of my nicknames, some with a back story, some without. Deal with it. Use your imagination.

In my life I have been called:

-Mr. T (from the Conta side of the family)
-T-Bird (From my Grandpa Conta)
-Conta (Not exactly a nickname)
-A slight change of the last name by only 1 vowel (and from that there are 5 nicknames branching off of that one)
-T-Con (A personal favorite)
-Tubby (A personal least favorite)
-Tippecanoe (Given by 7th grade gym teacher and stuck)
-Tippie (Abbreviated from the name above)
-T-Y (High school and surprisingly given to me in college as well. My personal favorite)
-T-Y? (Must be said as a question. Volleyball guys)
-T (Too easy, folks)
-Ty Baby (Given by Heidi)
-T-Dog (Didn't catch on with many)
-T-Man (Didn't catch on with many)
-T-Dizzle (Didn't catch on with anyone)
-Batman (From a variety of people)
-Mac (Based off my middle name)
-Cloudy (Based off my middle name)
-McLeody (Obviously based off my middle name)
-Captain (From a good old friend)
-Tyla (Not too hard to get to this one)
-TC (Initials, of course)
-T (Too easy)
-Taco (Given by the JMU O-Team 2k8 after our retreat. It began with Jithu screaming "TACO TACO!" during a name game where half of the room had no clue what our "language" meant, except they had heard me say "Taco" previously. So, her best bet was to simply shout "TACO TACO!" the instant she walked into our room. After that, and a short reflection about the importance of clear communication, the nickname stuck. It's another of my personal favorites.)

-Samson (Given as the name of a character I played in a terrible skit with some friends, while I wore an old man mask and called my friend "hot dog man.")
-Tywa (Given by my sister, who couldn't pronounce my name exactly right, while we shared a room as toddlers)
-Rock (Given by Jess, my loving cup of chicken noodle soup.)

As far as I can remember, those are nicknames that I currently have, or have had in the past. If you know of any that I forgot, or can think of any to add to it, please let me know by leaving a comment at ...well...that's all from me for today folks! Hope you enjoyed the history of the Tyler nicknames.

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Vids for the Kids: Special Edition

Today on TBS, I think, there is going to be a show about the funniest commercials of 2010. It's hosted by the shirtless Old Spice guy. Genius commercials. Well, because of that, and recent commercials I've seen...I'm going to present you with my selection of the Greatest Commercials of 2010.
*NOTICE: Some have been selected because they are great, while others have been selected because they are just plain awful for multiple reasons. Enjoy!

Let's start off with a bang. The Snuggie Holidays commercial. I like the Christmas one because it's just terrible. Yet, I think I'll go with the mildly offensive Hanukkah commercial. Yeah...I'll go with that. Please enjoy.

Snuggie Hanukkah Commercial

Next, I'd like to share a recent favorite of mine by Mini Cooper. It essentially implies men can't handle babies. It also implies children can pee right through their pants. Apparently this baby can urinate hydrochloric acid. Regardless...hilarious commercial!

Mini Cooper Countryman Commercial

Up next we have a terrible one by Twix that seems to imply that it's ok to cheat on your long as you eat their product...and continue to lie about that whole cheating thing you got going on. Wow. Thanks for the tip, Twix.

Twix Cheating is Ok Commercial

Here we have a Corona commercial of the couple on the beach. To me, they seem to usually portray men as idiots. If they're not shown as idiots, they're shown as jerks. In this one we finally see that she's a jerk, the guy tries to get his revenge, yet....well...just watch for yourself.

Corona She Should've Gotten Sprayed Commercial

Lastly, we have a personal favorite of mine. The Just Dance 2 video game has recently come out for the Wii. In this commercial we see beautiful people, celebrities (Kim Kardashian makes an appearance), trendy people, great dancers, and there's even an entire city square full of people dancing. And guess what...everyone in the commercial is young and beautiful. Yet, they seem to have forgotten where they came from for the original Just Dance game's commercial. The first 20 seconds are just making fun of random people's dance moves on old home videos...but we get past that easily as a simple laugh. According to that commercial after those first 20 seconds, these were the kinds of people that played their game: chubby girls, flaming gay guys, 12 year-old girls, fragile grandparents, very awkward men, and of course one group of what appears to be sexy, barely-clothed, cheerleaders for Santa. question is this: is it true that playing Just Dance, the original, can turn me into someone who looks like Kim Kardashian and the Just Dance 2 crew?! Sign me up! For Just Dance 3, the commercial will actually be all super models, standing around, not dancing, but instead they are just judging the people around them for being less pretty and not as skinny. I can't wait!

Just Dance Original Commercial
Just Dance 2 Commercial

Alright! Those are my personal picks of the Greatest Commercials of 2010...for many reasons. I hope you enjoyed them for whatever reason! Thanks for tuning in!

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SotM: 12/15

And it's back...and on time!

To help you get through "hump day" I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

Ok, so...I'm not exactly sure what music I'm going to give you today...let me think about this.
Got it.
Dr. Dog time.

Alright...well this is a pretty interesting band here. They're straight out of my best friend Rachel's native Philly. They've been around since 2001, with lots of band member changes throughout. They're an interesting band with their rock + jam band sort of feel to them. They even have a Flaming Lips kind of sounding lead singer on some of their tunes. Anyways, I first heard them about a year ago (someone left their song up on Grooveshark on a computer in the video lab and I gave it a listen) and have yet to use any of their songs for Song of the Moment. Until now! Both of these tracks are off their newest album, Shame Shame, released this April. The first track is one of their more popular songs off the album, and the second one is my personal favorite. Supposedly, the second tune I've got for you is actually 8 years old! Well...glad they finally decided to drop it on us this year. I'm a big fan of both of these songs and I hope you enjoy them too on this glorious hump day via your favorite fast food selection, the Hump Day Combo Meal. Would you like fries or onion rings with that? Rings it is! Thanks and come again!

Song(s) of the Moment 12/15

Jackie Wants a Black Eye by Dr. Dog

Where'd All the Time Go by Dr. Dog

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SotM: 12/14

I'll keep it short and sweet...

Kings of Leon are amazing. While I haven't been able to listen to all of their new album, Come Around Sundown, what I've heard so far is great. It's different than their old stuff, not as dark sounding, but it's still fantastic. They released a new music video about 5 days ago for their song Pyro, which I knew had to be their next single. So, I'm guessing that's what they're going to release as their new single even though they haven't done that yet. Logical assumption I'd say.'s a good track with a crazy video! Check it out my friends!

Song of the Moment 12/14
Pyro by Kings of Leon

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The Little Barbershop of Horrors to the Little Barbershop of Horrors


I recently got my hairs cut. I're thinking: "But why?! Your hair looked perfect the way it was!" And while I agree with you, 95% of my family and close friends do not.

Option 1: Find a new family and friends
Option 2: A haircut

It was actually a surprisingly tough call to make...but I chose haircut. So I went in, having been so proud of avoiding a formal barbershop haircut for months, maybe even over a year! I can't be entirely sure! Once my hair was cut...I lost all my memories as well as my gorgeous flowing locks. I walked inside, my senses were bombarded. My nose was filled with shampoos and conditioners that were fruity with a hint of floral. My ears were filled with the humming of whatever that thing is that sits on a woman's head while she's wrapped in foil. My eyes were attacked by the sight of hair on the floor, being swept by an incredibly old woman. I was in hell.

When I get a haircut at this lady's place, one of the only things that I like is not having to talk. I just sit in her chair, which is not as big as you once thought it was...way back when you were 5, and I stare off at the ceiling or into space. We usually talk for a good 5-10 minutes to catch up, then fortunately she knows her role and after that short convo. will only ask "How's this?" That's what I'm talking about. You better shut your mouth when you're running your fingers through my hair as you wash it with water of the perfect temperature and shampoo that has a hint of coconut to it. That's when I'm in heaven.

Sadly, I return back to the terrible things surrounding me as I sit up. My heels are too far back, and prevent her from spinning the chair around so she can begin cutting. But they're comfortable thereeeeee. Ugh. Fine...but now my heels hurt. Then she begins to cut. We finish our conversation. She has been instructed as to the hair style I am hoping to achieve. It was something brand new this time, so "How's this?" was asked more than usual...but I didn't mind this time. What I did mind was the evil businesswoman sitting next to me. She talked loudly on her cell phone while I was getting my hair cut. She had her head shoved up in that ugly bubble, while her nasty old mangy hair was wrapped in tin foil. I can only assume she was attempting to reach her home planet. She started complaining about having to yell at someone for doing a bad job on the job site the other if she ACTUALLY hated it. She loved it. I could hear it in her voice and see it in the curve of her nasty grin. Literally...she liked it. Then, like her head was a Thanksgiving turkey cooking, a small timer went off, my lady stopped and ran over to the female Grinch wrapped in foil. She did her thing, then came back. She got back to work. Then she was snatched away from me again just a few minutes later when crazy ole bat lady said she simply had to go to the bathroom and needed help matter what was going on with her hair at the time. Nice. Now I'm positive I know why your hair looks terrible...because you don't follow instructions, lady. Sheesh. Can't you hold it and not take my lady away from me again? Also...your clothes are hideous. Are you actually 40-ish? You dress like you're senile or a 6-year-old girl playing dress-up. How do you have a position of authority? Grab a power suit then let's talk.

Well, as my haircut actually looked really good, considering we tried something new. Yay! It wasn't so bad after all. Oh's time to take this zebra-striped drape off of me that is covered in all my hair so that I can get up and the Hair-Hoarding old lady can sweep the hair up? Ok. What's that you say? You can't wait to pull it off so I can get small bits of hair down the back of my shirt all afternoon and so that a huge wad of hair will fall onto my stylish white canvas shoes and remain there for days? I'm game, lady!

Best ending of a haircut ever. No one cares if they see a guy reaching his arms down his back to scratch like a flea-ridden monkey...and if his shoes appear to be related to know why?! Because that guy has a killer haircut.

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SotM: 12/11

Yesterday I decided not to do a Throwback Friday, and I'm glad I didn't do it. I don't feel like it still. I'll make you happy with some tune by The Police or Queen next's that?

For now I'll appease you with a song by Arcade Fire. They recently put out an album in August, and I'll admit that I haven't listened to a lot of it. Yet, what I have heard I've really liked. One of my friends who is a fan of them and has good taste in music is Mike, and I thought about giving his DJ duo, Cocaine Mortgage, another shout out today. Mike and Danny know how to make a good time a GOOD time. They also have a blog going where they put out good songs on Fridays that are your weekend party songs. Last Friday they gave us a SICK good ole Kanye + Lupe track that got remixed. I'll be the first to say that Lupe Fiasco is a genius, as is Kanye matter what a jerk Kanye is. Yesterday, Cocaine Mortgage gave us a remixed track by Penguin Prison...whoever that is...but the tune sure is impressive, they always pick good ones.
Click here to check out Cocaine Mortgage. So yeah...I figured I'd give those guys a shout out after I picked this song by Arcade Fire and remember my best friend Alicia and also Mike talking about them recently, after Lollapalooza 2010.

On with the show...Arcade Fire put out this album in August, they've released a few singles from it, this one being the most recent. The video/audio I've got posted for you today is great...but it's not the studio/album audio. I kind of like this one a little better, but I'll admit it's a little harder to hear the lyrics. If you want, just go find the album one somewhere like Grooveshark or YouTube. But here for you now is this blog's first ever Song of the Moment by Arcade Fire, with possibly more to come from this great band! Enjoy!

Song of the Moment 12/11
Ready to Start by Arcade Fire

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SotM: 12/10

Usually this should be everyone's favorite example of alliteration: Throwback Friday. Instead, because I'm not feeling the Throwing-Backage today...I've chosen something else.

For you today, I have a song that's definitely not typical of the music I usually throw at you all. Yet, if you know me, you know I'm a sucker for piano and great, heart-felt vocals. So, after hearing this song I knew I needed to share it. Apparently this song was featured on some dance show this summer, and took off from there...well sorry if I'm late on this way...but you can keep your crappy dance shows and I'll keep making fun of them. (If your show features "The Situation" in a serious light...scratch that...any light other than Guido/Juicehead/Jersey Jerk, then your show isn't worth watching.) Moving on. It's a great song, I'm sad I'm getting to this song "late" but who cares. Better late than never, I always say. This song comes from a little known artist from Philly who recently signed a deal with Atlantic Records.

This song's video came out in September...and it's kind of a man-hater song. Let's see how quickly an all-female a cappella group from JMU, with a reputation as man-haters, decides to perform the song. Bets anyone?

Song of the Moment 12/10
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

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Vids for the Kids: 12/9

I'll be really honest with you here...a lot of you have probably seen these videos. Then again I was surprised to find that a few friends of mine had not. So, if you haven't seen these, then you're in for a huge treat. If you like funny things, funny dancing, and Indian music...then you picked a good day to check this blog.

The first video for you is the amazing Benny Lava video. Some guy heard an Indian song, then decided to put English subtitles on it, not translating it, but simply putting what he thought it sounded like. It's genius. The subtitles are hilarious, I couldn't stop laughing after we heard what "Oliver" was planning to do. Not only that, but the video itself is ridiculous. Let's analyze seconds 23 to 30: He's pretty BA, but he's hot and needs to roll his coat sleeves up, now he's so hot he needs to begin taking his coat off, never's back on and needs the sleeves up again, wait...I guess it was off because he's putting his coat back on...and why the hell is it so foggy?! What is going on Benny Lava?! Is that even your real name?!
Well...regardless of his name, we only know that he made a great song with amazing fake subtitles.

The second video for you might not be as outright hilarious as the first one...unless you appreciate awesome dance moves. My siblings and I found this video several years ago, yet it continues to make me laugh. Just watch his dance moves, and his interactions with...himself? Imagine if So You Think You Can Dance, or some Dancing With Whatever Washed-Up, Barely-Even Celebs, Celebrities We Found Last Minute...imagine if one of those shows had a themed week based off his dance moves. Highest rating ever, if I do say so. Also, let's analyze the early stages of this video as well, knowing full well that I could REALLY have fun making fun of the graphics, the fact that he smiles while causing a devastating earthquake, or the random industrial warehouses he appears to be dancing in later in the video. For now we'll stick to seconds 17 to 30: Oh no! It appears as though Earth will be destroyed by 4, maybe 5, chunks of space crap! Wait never mind, they're just going to land in the Indian Ocean, oh they're all landing on Moscow? Weird. AH! Now a crazy man, with terrible dance moves, has burst forth from one of the space rocks! He appears to either be on fire, be made of fire, or he's a Phoenix. Either way...this video rules hard-core.

I hope you enjoy this double-decker serving of Indian a non-offensive way please.

Side note: Speaking of Indian culture...I recently discovered a picture in a yearbook, of my friend, Jithu, nursing an injured kitten back to health. Yet, as far as I knew, she was heartless and didn't like people, much less cats. So I sent her a picture text, calling her out for being nice even before I knew her. Her response was simple: "If you look closely, I'm actually CHOKING the kitten." And that's the Jithu I know and love. All is right with the world again.

On with the show...

Vids for the Kids 12/9

Benny Lava

Tunak Tunak Tan by Daler Mehndi

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SotM: 12/8

Late as usual...but here it is...

To help you get through "hump day" I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

I've used only 1 song by this fantastic band as a Song of the Moment so far: 1901. If you asked me why I haven't used any other songs I'd probably say because I like too many of them, or that you aren't good enough to listen to Phoenix. of those 2. Yet, I'll be honest and admit that I think I only know music from their 4th album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. Then again it is a FREAKING amazing album, worthy of all the awards that it has won. So, here for you now are 3 other songs from the album that I thoroughly enjoy, many of you might already know these, but I don't care about you. Enjoy!

Song(s) of the Moment 12/8

Lisztomania by Phoenix

Girlfriend by Phoenix

Lasso by Phoenix

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Epic Shows

My post from yesterday, about seeing fun. and Steel Train play, got me thinking. My mind started running as I thought about all the shows I've been to. Last night was the first time I've seen that many "hipsters" in one place. Last night was also my first indie show..I think...I think? Regardless, I'm going to lay some facts down on you all, and list off as many of the concerts/shows I've seen and what was so good about them. This list will include even some smaller bands you might not have seen and will list off many bands, individually, that I saw perform together at festivals or concerts.
The list is also a bit strange, but please remember my evolving taste in music that somehow began with ska and jam bands:

Eric Clapton- DC show. He is talented beyond all belief. Held the audience captive with his rock and even his slow acoustic blues set. Yet, he never speaks to the audience. Sad stuff.
Derek Trucks Band- DC show. Not bad. Also, didn't really stand out as anything special to me.
Girl Talk- Only go if you're in to having fun and getting sweaty. It's just a giant dance party. I'm 2 for 2 when it comes to getting on stage as well. Nice.
Keller Williams- He's my favorite artist. I've seen him more times than I can count. He's great every time. Looping is one special thing he does that always blows my mind. Has hundreds of songs under his belt and can jam like a monster, so every show is different and amazing.
moe. - Richmond show. Phenomenal show. They are a jam band that knows how to rock too. The great light show kept everyone dancing and jamming all night. Great live band.
Steel Train- Charlottesville show. Opening band that's way too good to open. Energetic, talented, and slightly awkward bunch of guys. Loved them.
fun. - Charlottesville show. Fantastic music and fantastic musicians. You can tell they love their jobs and they create great live music and interactions with the crowd. Stellar show.
Rihanna- NOVA show. Meh...she was ok. She didn't sound as good live. But not terrible.
Kanye West- NOVA show. Honestly, one of the best shows I've ever seen. Amazing performer. I don't care what your opinions are of him...he is straight TALENT. Flawless show.
Lupe Fiasco- NOVA show. My favorite rapper, and he is way too good to be the opening act. That made me mad, but everyone had a great time as Lupe dropped his amazing lyrics and his fast-paced flow on us. I can't wait to see him again some day.
NERD- NOVA show. Barf. All I can say is that "all the girls standing in the line for the bathroom"...are actually there because your terrible music makes them want to vomit. They definitely got the audience on their feet and moving though. Good for an opening act.
String Cheese Incident- Richmond shows. I've seen them a couple times, and they're always good. They don't do many shows anymore after they broke up, but they do them occasionally. As many jam bands are, they are amazing live performers. Incredible musicians.
Jimmy Eat World- Richmond show. Back in high school, way back when. Their music back then was good, I think it's better now. Not bad live. Vocals were a little off, but good live music.
LIT- Richmond show. Bleh. They were ok live, but they just don't have a lot to offer. Their music isn't that great.
Casey Cavanagh Band- Harrisonburg show. Casey's a great musician who definitely has a talent for getting out there and making sure you know who he is. Lots of talent in Casey and the whole band. He always puts on a good, fun live show. It helps that you know he's a good guy too.
Yonder Mountain String Band- Richmond shows. Seen them a few times. They're great live when their voices are all spot on. If they're a little off/raspy/etc then it's a little tough on the not-stoned crowd members. They're great live, even though their studio album proves they sold out.
Carbon Leaf- All over. My favorite band. I've seen these guys more times than I can remember. They always put on a great show. I've seen them in tiny bars or in giant concerts, and no matter where, they always make it fun and exciting for the crowd. Great vocals and crazy good musicians.
Sons of Bill- Harrisonburg show. Saw them open for Carbon Leaf. They sucked. Yet, I've listened to a couple of their new songs and they're not bad. Maybe they've gotten better?
Cocaine Mortgage- Harrisonburg shows. My friends Mike and Danny are a sick DJ duo force to be reckoned with. They always put out great tracks, have great shows, and give you a great time. Don't ever miss one of their shows or you're an idiot.
Railroad Earth- Richmond show. They have a great sound to their band when they're live. A fantastic combination of acoustic instruments and harmonizing vocals. Good live show.
Michael Franti & Spearhead- Richmond show. I wasn't super impressed. I also think Franti's new stuff is good, but nothing like his good old stuff! Give me Bomb the World again, man! Highlight of the show was a crazy drum circle that when on forever. Decent live show.
New Monsoon- Richmond show. Not super memorable. Didn't really impress.
Umphrey's McGee- Richmond show. Kind of like New Monsoon...they weren't super memorable. They're not bad though, they definitely put out some great music and make you want to dance. But overall, I just think they're decent.
Bela Fleck and the Flecktones- Richmond shows. I've seen them twice, but I prefer when they are the only act, like their U of R show. That was one of the most incredible shows I've ever seen in my entire life. I was stunned at what incredible talent they all have. No set breaks, instead 1 man was left to have a 10-15 minute jam session while the other guys took a break. I can't speak highly enough of their talent and musicianship. No vocals at all, by the way. Fantastic live show.
Menya- Harrisonburg show. Crazy live show. They get hype. Not super stellar though, but wow do they make you have fun!
Lights in the Fog- Harrisonburg show. For a small local band, wow do they pack a punch! Incredible vocals that tingle the spine and lots of talent on the guitar. Usually pretty chill in live shows though, but I dig it.
RJD2- DC show. Wow. This guy breathes talent. Creates music DJ style on the table yet also has a band with him, where he plays guitar and provides some vocals, to create other music. Incredible live show that had the encore pack a punch with the first 2 songs making everyone go crazy and dance, yet he ruined it all with an acoustic guitar final song. Buzz kill, man.
Phish- Charlottesville show. Wow. Their lyrics might suck more than anything else in the world, but they sure can play. The house was packed, they played a fantastic set filled with a variety of their songs, and the light show was out of this world. Literally, I would go just to see the lights again, they were that good. If you want a fun way to kill some time, go look up who does the Phish lights and how he does them. That's talent. Speaking of talent: Phish. Great musicians who can jam forever and still make it interesting. Ben & Jerry love them, so do I.
Murphy's Kids- Richmond show. I saw them waaaay back when. They were good, but I've listened to more of their music since then and think they're pretty awesome. They have a good sized following for a reason: they've got talent. Go check them out.
Sequoyah Prep School- Harrisonburg show. These guys have got me hooked. I saw them open for Casey Cavanagh and I HAD to have their album. Ever since then I've been crossing my fingers they'll bring their acoustic instruments and incredible voices somewhere nearby.
Reel Big Fish- Richmond show. One of the best shows I've ever been to because of so many reasons. The band is fun, they have fun, they talked to us and joked with us, the leader singer's voice sounds EXACTLY like it does on the studio albums, and their instrumentals were spot on other than the drunk trumpet player. Amazing live band, even though they're different now.
Ben Folds- Harrisonburg show. He's an artist. He's so talented. I sat kind of high up and just chilled with my friends during the show, yet I still felt involved in the entire thing, thanks to Ben. He got us to sing parts, conducting sections of the crowd while standing on his piano. He even joked with us and told us he would play the mythical Brown Note so we all pooped ourselves. Other than that little scare, I had a great time and was amazed at how good he was live.
Andrew Rohlk- All over. Seen him play a Richmond open-mic and a bunch of Harrisonburg shows. Recently, he won a competition in Harrisonburg, which just proves how good he is. He's a quiet guy who will surprise you with his powerful voice that is almost always spot on. Not only that, but he kind of sounds like John Mayer, and plays guitar like a champ as well!
Doug McPherson & the E Street Band- Bahamas show. I'm in an amazing karaoke group with some of my best friends. We're awesome. We're sexy. Let's leave it at that. Cross your fingers that you'll see us one day on the reunion tour.
NOFX- Richmond show. Forgettable stuff. They weren't bad...they just didn't stand out.
Andrew W.K.- Richmond show. You gotta love this party animal. Who cares if every song is about drinking and partying? He still gets you excited, pumped, make you want to dance and party, and puts on a good live show! He's weird but he's worth going to see for sure!
Trent Wagler & the Steel Wheels- Harrisonburg shows. Trent puts on a great show. He's a fantastic musician and has a very unique voice that fits his style perfectly. I heard him play one afternoon as I walked in Harrisonburg and have been hooked ever since. He usually plays small gigs but that's one thing that makes Trent's shows better: you feel like he's playing for you...and he is. He's a simple guy and you can tell he values every single fan.

Alright everybody...there's definitely some artists I forgot, and a few I purposefully left out because they're just straight-up not even worth my time. In the future I'll probably have some posts about shows I plan to go to in the area, such as STS9, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, and others. So, for now I'll just keep on blogging....and let me know if you've had any experiences with some of the artists I've mentioned in this post!

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SotM: 12/6

Last night my phone broke. I might be able to revive it with a nice bag of rice. Last night I also 3rd-wheeled it to Charlottesville with some awesome friends and we saw an awesome show. We went to the Jefferson Theater in CVille to see fun. play, with Steel Train as the opener. And yes, their name is fun. with a period, and in lowercase. They came out with an album at the end of last summer, I first heard it from my friend Jess (who I went to the show with) and I fell in love with their music. When one of my favorite bands, The Format, broke up...I was actually sad. When I heard fun.'s album, Aim and Ignite, I heard a familiar voice and I couldn't help but smile. One of the biggest appeals of The Format was the unique, and stellar, voice of the lead singer...who fortunately now sings for fun.. Question: is that extra period needed? It looks wrong. Anyways, it is an amazing album, if you haven't listened, please do (I've used Walking the Dog and All the Pretty Girls from that album as past Song of the Moment tunes). It's some great indie rock/pop stuff that is hard to not like. My sister and I have kind of different tastes in tunes, but when she listened to the fun. album from me, she really enjoyed it and is definitely a fan. Proof that fun. is amazing. They're just great musicians, they make fantastic music, and the album itself is actually really fun to listen their band name is perfect for them.

So, last night fun. put on a great show, talked to the crowd, kept it intimate, and even had a sweet 30-second Aerosmith imitation playing "that song from Armageddon." It was hilarious and actually kind of awesome. They played a lot of their songs, they performed them almost flawlessly, and they even said when the tour is done they plan to record another album. That got me incredibly excited because I really really hope it's true.

Moving on...Steel Train opened for them, and they were a huge surprise to me. I've heard of them, I know a song or 2 of theirs, but they were fantastic. The lead singer/guitarist of Steel Train is the guitarist/back-up vocalist from fun. and is an incredibly exciting person. He is crazy, wild, energized, and keeps the audience loving the show and loving the band. They were great musicians, the back-up guitarist looked like my friend Vince, and they even performed their song from the kids show Yo Gabba Gabba. The song was called "It's Fun to Dance" and they insisted we all go crazy for the 2-minute song and dance like little kids. We all did. I loved it. They got the crowd so energized and pumped and absolutely ready for fun. to come out and play.

So, for today's Song of the Moment I think I'm going to have a little bit of both of these bands. I'm going to throw in one of Steel Train's songs off their Trampoline album from 2007 (even though they just put out an album this June), and another one of fun.'s songs off their Aim and Ignite album. So, I hope you can dig this sweetness, coming at you fresh off a CVille show.

Song(s) of the Moment 12/6

Firecracker by Steel Train (skip ahead to 2:25 to hear the song begin)

Take Your Time Coming Home) by fun.

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Vids for the Kids: 12/3

I like Japanese shows.
Ninja Warrior. The original Iron Chef. The Unbeatable Banzuke. That old Banzai show which was actually just an American show making fun of Japanese shows. They're so terrible and ridiculous that they're awesome. One of my favorite Japanese game show moments of all time (other than my friend Cindy winning an iPod by singing on stage) is the row of girls, with steaks on their heads, hoping the iguana doesn't come to them for a bite. For some reason they replay the footage like 20 times...but it's awesome every time! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do when you set down your Tamagotchi and watch...

Vids for the Kids 12/1
Japanese Game Show: Meat Head + Iguana

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SotM: 12/1

It's the first day of December, and here's a treat for ya...

To help you get through "hump day" I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

The first time I heard this band I assumed they were trying to be some modern-day version of the Bee Gees...and I wasn't having it. I heard a song on the radio about a month ago and really enjoyed it. THEN, the DJ said the band name, and I figured it was about time to give them a chance. So I did. If you haven't heard of this band, you really should look into them. Trust me, it's worth it!

1) This band's first studio album came out in 2004, it's self-titled, and this track from it is a good one.
2) Their 3rd studio album came out in June (the cover of the album is a clenched butt in spandex...classy) and this jam is a single off the album that has a strong Bee Gees and clubbing feel to it. Great stuff.

So, here for you now is a Hump Day Combo Meal with a side of sharp objects, because it's the Scissor Sisters coming at you with...

Song(s) of the Moment 12/1

Take Your Mama by Scissor Sisters

Any Which Way by Scissor Sisters

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