So, last night fun. put on a great show, talked to the crowd, kept it intimate, and even had a sweet 30-second Aerosmith imitation playing "that song from Armageddon." It was hilarious and actually kind of awesome. They played a lot of their songs, they performed them almost flawlessly, and they even said when the tour is done they plan to record another album. That got me incredibly excited because I really really hope it's true.
Moving on...Steel Train opened for them, and they were a huge surprise to me. I've heard of them, I know a song or 2 of theirs, but they were fantastic. The lead singer/guitarist of Steel Train is the guitarist/back-up vocalist from fun. and is an incredibly exciting person. He is crazy, wild, energized, and keeps the audience loving the show and loving the band. They were great musicians, the back-up guitarist looked like my friend Vince, and they even performed their song from the kids show Yo Gabba Gabba. The song was called "It's Fun to Dance" and they insisted we all go crazy for the 2-minute song and dance like little kids. We all did. I loved it. They got the crowd so energized and pumped and absolutely ready for fun. to come out and play.
So, for today's Song of the Moment I think I'm going to have a little bit of both of these bands. I'm going to throw in one of Steel Train's songs off their Trampoline album from 2007 (even though they just put out an album this June), and another one of fun.'s songs off their Aim and Ignite album. So, I hope you can dig this sweetness, coming at you fresh off a CVille show.
Song(s) of the Moment 12/6
Firecracker by Steel Train (skip ahead to 2:25 to hear the song begin)
Take Your Time Coming Home) by fun.
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