Vids for the Kids: Special Edition

Today on TBS, I think, there is going to be a show about the funniest commercials of 2010. It's hosted by the shirtless Old Spice guy. Genius commercials. Well, because of that, and recent commercials I've seen...I'm going to present you with my selection of the Greatest Commercials of 2010.
*NOTICE: Some have been selected because they are great, while others have been selected because they are just plain awful for multiple reasons. Enjoy!

Let's start off with a bang. The Snuggie Holidays commercial. I like the Christmas one because it's just terrible. Yet, I think I'll go with the mildly offensive Hanukkah commercial. Yeah...I'll go with that. Please enjoy.

Snuggie Hanukkah Commercial

Next, I'd like to share a recent favorite of mine by Mini Cooper. It essentially implies men can't handle babies. It also implies children can pee right through their pants. Apparently this baby can urinate hydrochloric acid. Regardless...hilarious commercial!

Mini Cooper Countryman Commercial

Up next we have a terrible one by Twix that seems to imply that it's ok to cheat on your long as you eat their product...and continue to lie about that whole cheating thing you got going on. Wow. Thanks for the tip, Twix.

Twix Cheating is Ok Commercial

Here we have a Corona commercial of the couple on the beach. To me, they seem to usually portray men as idiots. If they're not shown as idiots, they're shown as jerks. In this one we finally see that she's a jerk, the guy tries to get his revenge, yet....well...just watch for yourself.

Corona She Should've Gotten Sprayed Commercial

Lastly, we have a personal favorite of mine. The Just Dance 2 video game has recently come out for the Wii. In this commercial we see beautiful people, celebrities (Kim Kardashian makes an appearance), trendy people, great dancers, and there's even an entire city square full of people dancing. And guess what...everyone in the commercial is young and beautiful. Yet, they seem to have forgotten where they came from for the original Just Dance game's commercial. The first 20 seconds are just making fun of random people's dance moves on old home videos...but we get past that easily as a simple laugh. According to that commercial after those first 20 seconds, these were the kinds of people that played their game: chubby girls, flaming gay guys, 12 year-old girls, fragile grandparents, very awkward men, and of course one group of what appears to be sexy, barely-clothed, cheerleaders for Santa. question is this: is it true that playing Just Dance, the original, can turn me into someone who looks like Kim Kardashian and the Just Dance 2 crew?! Sign me up! For Just Dance 3, the commercial will actually be all super models, standing around, not dancing, but instead they are just judging the people around them for being less pretty and not as skinny. I can't wait!

Just Dance Original Commercial
Just Dance 2 Commercial

Alright! Those are my personal picks of the Greatest Commercials of 2010...for many reasons. I hope you enjoyed them for whatever reason! Thanks for tuning in!

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