SotM: 11/30

It's the last day in November, and I'll make it short a sweet for ya!

This song here, I first heard while surfing YouTube. It's from a band from Utah (originally Cali though) who began receiving some national attention after selected to tour with The Killers in 2008/9. After that, they gained some popularity, were signed by a label, and put out their first album in March 2010. The album did incredibly well, reaching #1 on a US rock alternative chart. A few months ago, in the pre-blog days, I even made their song Animal a Song of the Moment because it's freaking awesome...even though it may be slightly overplayed now. for you now is the next single off their Habits album, brought to you by...

Song of the Moment 11/30
1983 by Neon Trees

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11/29 Photos: When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

...that's part of a great Ansel Adams quote.

A short time ago I decided that I should be sharing some photos I take with you all. Sure I have the photo section of my website, but I that doesn't get updated as often as I take pictures. So, to share that kind of stuff with you I decided to instead post a picture or 2 here for people to check out.

This time, I'm posting a single photo, and it's from a trip I took to Charlottesville, VA almost a month ago. I went apple picking and had a great day in CVille after that. I hope you enjoy the photo, and I recommend you go apple picking in the Valley next apple picking season if you can!

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Hello People of the World

This is a simple "thanks" to everyone that has ever read my blog on or at

In the last month has had over 500 visitors!
Since the beginning of this summer, has had over 2,400 visitors!
In the month of September alone, my blog had juuuust under 1,000 visitors!

So, that's just proof that while most of what I blog is ridiculous...maybe people like the ridiculous, random, and weird (plus the good music). I'm rather proud of the fact that so many of my friends, and even random people, have visited and read my posts. My way of saying thanks is to give a shout out to the readers. According to the stats on my blog, I can see what countries have had viewers check my blog. So...I'm just going to say "hello" to all the peoples of those countries in their official language(s), as a sign of my respect and gratitude...with help from Google.

Belgium: Hallo (Dutch), Bonjour (French), Hallo (German)

Japan: こんにちは (Japanese)

Denmark: Hej (Danish)

Spain: Hola (Spanish)

Sweden: Hej (Swedish)

Brazil: Olá (Portuguese)

Russia: привет (Russian)

United States: Yo (English)

A flag featuring both cross and saltire in red, white and blue. United Kingdom: Oi (English)

Vertical triband (red, white, red) with a red maple leaf in the centre of the white Canada: Bonjour (French), Eh? (English)

Alright then. Hello everybody. I looked most of these up to be accurate, but some I just knew from things such as stereotypes and assumptions. And're especially welcome for the blog posts that keep you so entertained, you poor cold Canadians.

Thanks for the support as I keep up this site everyone!

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Black Friday

Thanksgiving is over. Yay! The holiday that celebrates genocide, treaty-breaking, and land-stealing with gluttony! Hooray America!

Today is Black Friday. Time to go shopping at 4am and wrestle crazy mothers for Tickle Me Elmo and Furby, right? Right. could do something like one of these 2 things:

1) The Richmond SPCA is having a deal for adopting black cats and dogs today. 50% off the regular adoption price. Now that's the kind of Black Friday I'm talking about! Giving a loving home to an animal that truly needs it. If animals aren't your thing then how about option #2...

2) My roommate Chris sent out an email (in our giant email chain) yesterday saying what he was thankful for. He's in Haiti right now, working to try to help the Haitian schools. And what he sent was a great way to view Thanksgiving, in my opinion. Here's part of what he said:

"So as you're sitting down to eat today I hope you'll think briefly of people who have nothing to eat and don't know where they're next meal will come from. One of our students came from 3 hours across town yesterday to check if we had a little money to pay for his food - he has none and doesn't know when he will eat next. It was his birthday (I'm not [kidding] you).

I know, you don't need reminding. I know, you probably haven't forgotten, but there's not a lot you can do....But it's really true; almost a billion people deal with hunger every day.

It's just a suggestion:
go to and sponsor an at-risk Haitian youth"

Now, in case you don't know me, I'm weird about certain holidays. Thanksgiving is kind of iffy for me. I like it just fine. Yet, I think people forget what it means to be thankful (and I'll admit I forget sometimes too). It doesn't mean you should just sit on your butt and enjoy your family and say you're thankful for lots of stuff. Sure, please enjoy them and be thankful for them, but you can do more. You should do more. We're practically obligated to do more because we are privileged. I always believe people can do more. I felt weird being home this Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving 2008 and 2009 I was in New Orleans working with The Phoenix of New Orleans to help rebuild homes. There is a JMU group down there as we speak, working. I wish I could be with them, or with Chris, or somewhere where I can put all the things I'm thankful for to good use. I'm thankful for the talents, skills, privileges, and perks in my life. I'm thankful for a home, family, friends, my girlfriend, food, occasional work, health, and love all around me. But as I understand, as Chris put it, and as I hope you should be thankful in an ACTIVE way. DO SOMETHING. What's so hard about giving a small gift or donation to places/people/causes that need it? You can give like $12 and purchase a few rabbits for a family through Heifer or World Vision. If you're opposed to dealing with animals like that, give a donation to a mosquito net, AIDS pills, soccer balls, education, clothes. If you don't have lots of money, then give your time/energy/love. Tell someone you love them, volunteer an afternoon, support a cause.

- Quit talking. Do something. Show why you're really thankful by putting to use what you should be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday my friends.

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Song of the Moment: 11/24

I feel like crap so I'll make this quick...

To help you get through "hump day" (which I literally used to think had something to do with humping...I was wrong) I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

1) Here is a great Wolfmother song (with a decent fan-made video) from the always amazing 500 Days of Summer soundtrack, courtesy of my beautiful girlfriend.
2) Speaking of's another sweet tune from the Brothers album.

Please enjoy this brief, but hearty helping of the Hump Day Combo Meal, courtesy of...

Song(s) of the Moment 11/24

Vagabond by Wolfmother

Howlin' For You by The Black Keys

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Song of the Moment: 11/23 I haven't really been blogging very much the past week. I apologize for that. That's because I've been out of town, doing things, going places, eating brunch with Emily Wilson, etc. Well...I missed a few Word Vomit traditions/staples while I've been oot and aboot. I missed Wednesday's Hump Day Combo Meal of music, and I also missed everyone's favorite alliterative music mess: Throwback Friday! So, I decided to combine the 2 and give you the first ever....

Frinesday's Humping Combos for Throwback Music!

I'll work on the name some more later...but Combos will stay...everyone LOVES the pizza flavored Combos! (And they're perfect for humping)

Ok...a month ago I gave you a little treat which was a 2-for-1 Throwback Friday featuring Phil Collins and George Harrison. I know you're thinking, "Hey...isn't what you're getting ready to blog right now the same as a 2-for-1 Throwback Friday?!" My response to that is, "Yes....but don't tell anyone because everyone has REALLY been looking forward to Humping Combos for Throwback Music on Frinesday!"
Alrighty then....aaaaaaanyways...a friend of mine really enjoyed that blog post and mentioned they had no clue how good George Harrison was. I felt good knowing that on that day I enlightened someone to the greatness of Harrison, who was my favorite Beatle. He was the first and last ex-Beatle to have a number 1 hit on the charts. He was incredibly talented in so many ways, musically. He was a great writer, a great performer, a great composer, a great musician! So I thought maybe I should lay some more Geroge Harrison tracks on you folks!

1) Here is one of my favorite songs of The Beatles, written by George Harrison, off the White Album, and features the great Eric Clapton on the guitar.
2) This is a song from a super-group that seems to have since been forgotten. The Traveling Wilburys included Harrison, Roy Orbison, and Bob Dylan. This here was one of their first songs ever.
3) This is a song off of Harrison's 1974 album which shares the same name as the song. This song was recorded while he had laryngitis and is often jokingly called "Dark Hoarse."

So...that's that for today. Don't be surprised if you see more George Harrison come your way in the future. He's kind of amazing and I'll probably use his tunes at some point. Well...for now please enjoy Frinesday's whatever I called this crap again...

Song(s) of the Moment 11/23

While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles

Handle With Care by The Traveling Wilburys

Dark Horse by George Harrison

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The Boy Who Took-Over-My-Teenage-Years

Harry Potter is back. This time it is a film of his 7th, and last, year at Hogwarts. Yet, the film is split into 2 parts. I might be getting myself into trouble here, considering I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I already think that is ridiculous. Who makes a movie and says, "Actually, no, let's not make it 1 regular movie. Let's make it 2 half movies, but stretch it out longer to seem like a normal movie, and we can make tons more money, waste much more time in the average person's life, and of course we can also make viewers angry that Part 1 ended so awkwardly and without proper resolution!"

Genius. Sounds like a winner to me.

And that is why I don't like the idea of the new Harry Potter and the Whatever Whatevers, Part 1 movie. I can't wait for a whole 'nother movie to come out so I can figure out how it ends! Oh wait...there were 7 books that already did that? Did I read all 7? I wish I could say "no." Am I currently reading book 7 to remember what happened so I can possibly go watch the new Part 1 movie, thus giving me more fuel to rant and rave about it? I wish I could say "no." Don't judge.

Anyways, if you saw the new Harry Potter movie, let me know what you think! If you want to sass me back with a piece of your mind saying that I'm a jerk for bashing a movie I haven't seen...don't waste your breath. I haven't seen "Octaman" yet I know that's a terrible movie. Boom. Lawyer-ed you. Tyler, out.

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Happy Birthday Pops

I'm not sure when it started, but a few years ago I started calling my mom and dad, "momma" and "pops." I sort of say it with what little Southern accent I actually have. is my pops birthday. He's kind of a weird guy. I think I look a lot like my mom and act a lot like my dad. Thus meaning I too am weird. Yet, I'm pretty sure my dad is weirder.

My dad's career involves working with, and testing, dirt. Weird.
My dad gets up before the sun rises, takes hours to eat breakfast and read the newspaper, and he often goes to the YMCA to exercise in his morning routine as well. Weird.
My dad randomly bursts into song. Weird.
My dad makes terrible jokes, usually puns. Weird.
My dad attempts to pound it and make Your Mom jokes, but fails 95% of the time. Weird.
My dad tucks his pants into his socks when he's in the woods. Weird.
My dad built a machine called an amoozemeter. Weird.
My dad's favorite food is pasties....and they are disgusting. Weird.

As a matter of fact, we only eat pasties on his birthday because one time, when I was 11 or 12, we had them and I realized how much I hated them. They're like chicken pot pies but replace all the good stuff with crap, beef, and possibly little bits of Count Chocula. I can't be sure about the Count. Just a theory. Anyways...I hated it so much I cried and pretty much couldn't eat it. It took me over an hour to finish it. Every bite was torture. I gagged dozens of times too. dad may be a little weird sometimes, but then again I do some of those weird things he does too. And I love my dad and I will do my best to attempt to eat some pasties tonight. Yum.

Happy Birthday Dad!

If you wish to find a recipe for a pasty...please...don't look it up. And if you wish to leave comments or check out older posts:


Things You Never Wanted to Know...But You Should...If You're Awesome

After a long weekend of working...20 hours out of 48's good to relax. I slept like a log last night. Good for me. Sorry for all you 9-5ers and students but I get to sleep in til noon on most days if I feel like it. Suck on that.

Moving on. I realized, after doing some research, that I have approximately 5 brand new visitors to my website every day. That's awesome! If you're one of those losers that likes to bury the miseries of their lives by making an escape from the real world by visiting various internet sites that ranges from hard-core porn to the ramblings and rants of a young adult's blog that really isn't even that interesting...well then welcome to my website! Glad to have ya! So, if you're one of those new folks, you should know a few things about me. Yet, I don't want to give you the kind of facts everyone else does: male, brown hair, brown eyes, ripped biceps, peanut butter, and fire-eating. Instead, I'll give you the little known Tyler facts. Here we go!

- I love to sleep on my back. Do I snore? Yes. Do I care about disturbing others? Only if I like them.
- I hate when my parents call the house phone to talk to me. I have my cell phone in my pocket for a reason.
- I hate candy corn. Except, for some reason every Halloween I think to myself, "Maybe I'll like it this time." So I try some. I still hate it.
- I hate popcorn. Especially kettle corn. Popcorn is like styrofoam packing "peanuts" that have been lightly salted. Barf. Oh and don't forget those awesome little flakes that get stuck in your teeth until your gums bleed. Yay! And, exactly like candycorn, every couple months I think to myself, "Maybe I'll like it this time." I still don't.
- I own every single Batman movie, from the Adam West one up until The Dark Knight.
- I eat cereal approximately 360/365 days of the year. Could you eat lasagna for breakfast? I think not. Cereal must be eaten every day, even if I wake up at noon.
- I dislike lame music such as Hinder, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Soulja Boy, Beiber, Creed, etc....then again most people do.
- I could survive on a diet of peanut butter....JUST peanut butter.
- Pomegranates are my favorite fruit. Followed closely by bananas and strawberries.
- My girlfriend is a fox. Not a literal fox of course...but we did see a fox together one time!
- Fantastic Mr. Fox was an awesome movie. I loved it. Very underrated. Ask Jithu.
- When it comes to books, I love reading "the classics." I have approximately 175 books. A couple of them are from my grandpa's collection are have copyrights from BEFORE 1900.
- I have read all 7 Harry Potter books. Judge me.
- Before each new Harry Potter book came out, I reread ALL of the previous ones so I could remember all the little details and plot lines.
- Guilty pleasure in music: Hits from boy bands
- Biggest music dislike: 95% of musical's music (Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, and Singin' In the Rain are exempt)
- Guilty pleasure in movies: Pretty Woman and The Holiday
- I may or may not be much nerdy than you might think.
- I played volleyball in high school, decided not to in college, and regret it because I know I'm good and I really miss playing.
- I played soccer for 14 years, I miss playing, but I'm not especially talented.
- For birthday's, my mom always makes us a Waldorf Red Cake. Screw chocolate cake.
- I'm kind of bad at keeping in touch.
- Rarely do my feet smell bad.
- I think that a newly opened bag of Fritos smells kind of like shrimp. Try it on a mini-bag!
- I am ALWAYS hot. Thanks for those genes, Dad.
- I love to rant and rave.
- I lived with my best friends for 2 years, right down the street from more best friends, and not far away from a couple more that didn't live with us...but they practically did anyways.
- I made lifelong friendships working JMU Orientation.
- Alicia Cagnoli. The End.
- I don't like cats.
- I like the way cats taste.
- And lastly...if I had to summarize my life in one word for the people of Earth to put down on record as the definition of my life it would be peanut butter.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. I would say, "Hey brotha! Send me your random facts too!" But I don't care. So don't bother. If you do send me them, I will simply fabricate strange ones, then blog about how weird you are. So don't send me any. That is all. Goodbye.

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Photos: When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

...that's part of a great Ansel Adams quote.

So...I'm going to start laying some of my photos on you when I get the chance. On my website I have a photo section, except the most recent photo in there is from September 2010. So, I'd like to try to give you a photo or 2 every week or so. Except, here's my thing...I'm weird with my photographs because I don't take my camera everywhere that I think will be a photo opportunity. I do that because I kind of like to view things as they are, not as "oh that'll be a great picture!" If I know I can easily come back to that place, then I leave my camera, or only snap a few. If I know that odds are pretty good I won't be back there again, then I bring my camera along and take photos when it catches my eye. I'm not big into setting off with the purpose of creating art. Sometimes that's too forced. Then again, some of the photos on this website were taken during a photo hunt! A few of them are from moments, an instant, something that was a flash...something I needed my camera by my side for. Such as the fly on its back, or the smiling musicians. So, in some cases taking my camera everywhere paid off. Except, the majority of my great pictures come from me first seeing something with my eye, taking it in, soaking it up, then confining it, limiting it, to my photo. So, sometimes I'd rather leave my camera at home and simply view the world for what it is. It's one big creation. It's not some place for me to spin around and be thinking "how can I make this look artsy and creative?" Screw that. That's so fake. So false. Bleh. But that's just my opinion on that. now are a few pictures I took while I happened to be on some adventures in the last month or so. I took only, on average, 15 pictures at each of these places...and I actually plan to go back to the park near me and have a photo that I got to spend a full day there simply taking it all in.

First, we got the Packers game I went to! I've been a Green Bay Packers fan my whole life. I love sports. Yet, I did not love losing to the Redskins. Great day though to have my first NFL game! This was a picture taken during a timeout when this girl was getting kind of sleepy. Now, before you think it's too cute, please know that any time she stood up...the majority of her butt was visible. Just think about that. No...don't actually. Ew.

Now, here is a picture of the peahen (yes female peacocks are actually called peahens...who knew?!) that jumped right out of her enclosure and started walking around. Apparently they're allowed to do that at Maymont Park in Richmond. I love this picture. It was such a funny moment and I took it trying to show that she's just peacing out and doing what she wants.

And the last picture here from my day at Maymont is actually one that I wouldn't be surprised if it was pretty commonly taken. I feel like it's a great photo spot and all someone has to do to find this beautiful pattern, this change of scenery, is to look up. And that's what I did to get this iron pattern against the sky with the sun glaring in from off in the distance.

Alright...that's all for now. I hope you enjoy these few basic snapshots. Look for some more in the future of other adventures and trips I go on! Have a good night!

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SotM: 11/10

Here it is my lemmings!...I mean friends...ah crap...

To help you get through "hump day" (which I literally used to think had something to do with humping...I was wrong) I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

1) Matt and Kim have become rather popular in some groups, and here is their single from 2010, off their new album Sidewalks, which was released November 2nd.
2) Once again...another frightening video. I was uncomfortable in a bad way. But this song comes from a good old band, it has a great dark and steadily-marching-along, type of feeling. Creepy stuff.
3) This last song comes from a Grammy-winning band that's been going since the 70s. Here is my favorite song off their 2010 album, a song which they are playing at a radio station in this video.

So, you have a pretty wide variety of music here. It ranges from a death march, to an old Chicano band, to whatever Matt and Kim are. Alright then, please enjoy this Hump Day Combo Meal's wide variety of music, and don't have too much, or it'll spoil your appetite!

Song(s) of the Moment 11/10

1) Cameras by Matt & Kim

2) Wrong by Depeche Mode

3) Burn It Down by Los Lobos

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Vids for the Kids: 11/9

First off...did anyone else know that today is "National Tell Your Girlfriend She is Beautiful Day"...because I didn't know that! Moving on...

My friend Robert sent me this video a while ago and it's pretty amazing. By using animation, playing it on an iPad, and capturing it with long-exposure photography...they created what seems to be holograms generated by an iPad. Awesome stuff. So, please enjoy National Tell Your Girlfriend She is Beautiful Day's...

Vids for the Kids 11/9
iPad Holograms

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SotM: 11/8

Sorry I've been MIA lately on the blog-front. Work calls ya know?!'re out of work? My bad. I kind of am too now. (HIRE ME) Freelance videographers only work when needed. I just pray I'm needed for a while!

On to business. Here is a great song from back in the summer of 2009 by an indie band out of Brooklyn. Well...honestly the song is great, while the video is TERRIFYING. Like honestly...creepy stuff. So I recommend you just listen. We don't want any nightmares tonight now do we?! Anyways, this is a single off of the band's 3rd album, which honestly I haven't heard a lot of, but this song is awesome. So, check out today's tune, courtesy of everyone's favorite cuddly fuzzy friendly/blood-thirsty animal...

Song of the Moment 11/8
Two Weeks by Grizzly Bear

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SotM: 11/6

So, as I recently said...I love Lupe Fiasco's music. I think he's a genius. He's my favorite rapper. If he really truly only puts out this 3rd and last album, called LASERS, then I might cry. I also recently said that I think certain rappers are lame. They're jokes. They appear to have no purpose in life other than making money and gaining possessions. If that is true about any person then they're just a giant vacuum. They just suck stuff up and if they ever give anything back, it just comes out a giant mess that we don't really need. Evidence: lots of terrible rap songs.

Yet, if you listen to Lupe, read his lyrics, listen to him for real, you see something different. I see an artist with a purpose, a goal, and a persona that sets him apart from the rest. He rises above because of that. I think he creates fantastic music, and he's also a legitimately good person who is a good role model for other people, and kids, who are growing up and living in places like he used to.

His upcoming album, LASERS, has been anticipated to drop since 2009. Yet, the fans still wait. So, from time to time Lupe gives us a little taste with a new song, a sample, or now...he finally released the first official single from his new album a week ago. I hope you all enjoy Lupe's music, this song, the sweet Modest Mouse sample on this tune, and the purpose and meaning behind his words in...

Song of the Moment 11/6
The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco

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SotM: 11/5

Here it is again...

Simply because alliteration is the only way to be cool...I'm going to make this Friday a flashback to good ole tunes...I'll call it "Throwback Friday." Wait...that doesn't make sense. Oh yeah that's because alliteration was only cool in elementary school.

Welcome to another Throwback Friday!
This edition of Throwback Friday is a little unique. It's a special one to me. My first love of music was pretty unique...jam bands and hippy music. Yeah. Well, that's why this edition of the Throwback is a personal throwback to my own roots.

1) This is a good ole tune from Widespread Panic back from 1994, with a terrible fan-made video
2) My favorite musician of all time is Keller Williams, probably one of the most talented musicians I've ever heard, and this is one of my favorites by him and a band called The String Cheese Incident
3) Lastly, here is my favorite song by Sublime. Maybe overplayed but still a fantastic jam
4) Yes this song by moe. may be over 10 minutes long...but it's worth every second. Give it a listen when you get a chance! might be a little different from my previous song choices, but trust me this is talented stuff by talented people...and I still hope you appreciate the Throwback Friday I've got for you with...

Song(s) of the Moment 11/5

Ain't Life Grand by Widespread Panic

Best Feeling by Keller Williams ft. The String Cheese Incident

Santeria by Sublime

Rebubula (part 1) by moe.
Rebubula (part 2) by moe.

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Vids for the Kids: 11/4

Short and sweet...this video is hilarious. It takes most little children's favorite television show and exposes it for what it truly was....

Vids for the Kids 11/4
Zordon is a Racist

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NOT Song of the Moment: 11/3

Once again, this arrives a little late in the day, but I doubt you'll complain, I know you love me!

To help you get through "hump day" (which I literally used to think had something to do with humping...I was wrong) I've got a present for you. For your listening pleasure I'm going to throw at you the Hump Day Combo Meal. Get ready for greatness, folks.

Except...get ready for terrible-ness my friends. I'm here to tell you to never listen to these songs...after you listen to them ONCE (at most). This Combo Meal features songs that, for some reason, people seem to like. I'm sorry if you do because 1) I'm right that they all suck, 2) that means you have bad taste in music, and 3) I'm not going to apologize.

So, to start off with we have a 2 for 1 of bad music, then 1 last little guy.

-The first song is "Booty Bounce" by Dev. Terrible song. Awful. Do I actually want to "see your booty bounce?" No. First off...she is of "Mexican descent?"...I highly doubt it. Mostly because Dev looks more like a skinny awkward white girl with really ugly knees. Because of that it's doubtful she has any booty to bounce. Look at her! That'd be like me saying I have junk in my trunk. Which I don't. Trust me. At least I admit why won't you Dev? Now, besides the butt argument we have this argument: the song sucks. Moving on, we can also analyze the TERRIBLE music video made for the song. It is seriously Seizure Central! So many flashes I'm pretty sure my eyes will never be the same. Worst thing is though...look at her outfit at :42. WTF? Seriously? Are you Batman? What is that mess? I didn't know hipsters actually lost their fashion sense when exposed to flashing images, like her terrible video. Moving on.

-The second song samples Dev's song. Bad choice. So from the get-go I instantly don't like whatever magical song this must be. Oh's the confusingly popular "Like a G6" by Far East Movement. I can't believe a good group like The Cataracs actually were a part of this piece of garbage. Come on guys! You found great rappers like Glasses Malone...yet you also produce the Far East Movement? Barf. The video: lame and cliche. The beat: not all that bad. Lyrics: dreadful. Their lyrics are like every wanna-be rapper out there who thinks they're rockstars. You simpletons. Listen to the lyrics of a true artist like Jay-Z, Lupe Fiasco, Jay Electronica, and Aloe Blacc. They can give lyrics about living like a star and all the fancy things in some songs, yet tons their lyrics have true meaning and purpose behind them. Those kinds of artists can tell you that they're doing it for the kids, their family, the future, Africa, Haiti, their grandma, the fans, and sometimes just for themselves because they worked so hard for it (like Jay Electronica especially: he's been homeless several times). Far East suck. You have no depth/purpose/meaning to your lyrics other than: Look at me! I can party! I have money! We're awesome. We'll I have a newsflash for you Walter aren't. Yes, I referenced Zoolander. That was more of a work of art than "Like a G6." Moving on.

-The last song is "The Catalyst" by Linkin Park. Also a wretched song. What is this crap? It's their usual rock, with that strange voice on their lead singer, except now they have some weird electronica dance music thrown in their as well. Huh? That makes no sense. So...I'll simply move on to my main argument for why this song sucks: it's by Linkin Park. Every true American knows deep down inside that they should not like Linkin Park...unless you're my old roommate Christian. In which case, your entire taste in music sucks, so we forgive you. So, remember...Linkin Park sucks...they're practically grouped into the Forbidden Zone with artists like Hinder and Nickelback. So, stay away from this song as well.

Now, remember, these are my opinions. So, if you DON'T like what I have to say...then you should've stopped reading a while ago, and you're dumb...because I'm right.
And, also make sure you realize that I only posted the audio/video of these songs so that you all can watch them ONCE then laugh about it, cringe, vomit, or whatever reaction you usually have to a lingering fart/a dead body/rotten eggs/a bad song

So...I hope that you truly do NOT enjoy the...

NOT Song(s) of the Moment 11/3

Booty Bounce by Dev

Like a G6 by Far East Movement

The Catalyst by Linkin Park

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Alabama, Arkansas, I do love me that cole slaw!

If you understood the reference made in the title of this post...BONUS POINTS. If you don't, then please refer to what has possibly been the most popular Song of the Moment with the fans: here. It was used back in early August, so that's the Pre-Blogging period. We're currently in the Blogging Period, getting ready to progress into the Triassic Period next. I can't wait!

Except, this post isn't about music. It's about Alabama. Yes. 'Bama. I love BBQ, and that's what this post is about.

I was helping Heidi, one of my best friends, a girl from the Safe Harbor, move down to Florida for Navy stuff. At the time I didn't have a job so I figured: Free trip to Florida?! Sure!
Well, on the drive down we stopped a few times to see some good friends like Christian and Hollee in NC, Chaney in GA, and then we were on our way......until Montgomery, AL. Heidi and I got there, used her GPS to try to find a place to eat. Well, let's just say the capital of Alabama wasn't exactly what we expected. Half the places we went to were either super ghetto or closed down. Eventually, we stumbled upon greatness: Dreamland BBQ.

That right there is where we ate. Great location, great atmosphere, great food. The walls were filled with old signs, paintings, and photos of the 1950's, including things regarding the original owner and his family. So we sat down at a high table, ordered a drink, then looked at the menu. It's a BBQ joint, so everything looks good to me, and you never really know what to order until the last second (especially if you're Heidi). To me, a BBQ place is great if they an pull off the seemingly simple pulled pork BBQ sandwich. I ordered, with a side of fries, and Heidi got the same with a side of mac-n-cheese. The food arrived, with BBQ sauce on the side, and I was in heaven. Let me be clear: Dreamland BBQ literally has the BEST barbeque sauce I have ever tasted. It's rumored that it has a little bit of moonshine in it. I put it on my sandwich, dipped my fries in it, and was so good I literally used my finger to lick up the last drops when I was done. Not only that, but the fries were great. They were a really unique thin and crispy cut, very unusual for southern food and BBQ places especially, that usually stick to thick fries. I also sampled a bite of Heidi's mac-n-cheese, and it was so good that we both ordered another side of it after our meal. It was a strange sort of dessert, but it was delicious!

So...I hope I'm getting my point across here: while I assume most of my readers are not from Alabama...if you ever go near there (there's even 2 locations in Georgia), please don't miss out! One of the best meals I've ever had in my ENTIRE life. Literally.

With my ranking system that I am just now making up on the spot...I give Dreamland BBQ a ranking (based on presentation, taste, atmosphere/environment, more taste, and originality) of....

4 out of 5 Sporks. Way to go Dreamland BBQ.

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SotM: 11/1

Here is the first Song of the Moment of November, my friends.
I heard this on the radio...this song is pretty great and I found out it has blown up in Australia! Well I'm no Aussie BUT I do still love this song. It's off this band's 2009 album and their second single from it. It has a dark sound to it and a very personal and emotional feel to it. Surprisingly, it has received mixed reviews saying it sounded R&B and something like Timbaland. Honestly, I don't know where that review is coming just ignore that person, they suck anyways.

So, welcome to November and its very first...

Song of the Moment 11/1
Undisclosed Desires by Muse

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