SotM: 7/29/11

Here's a sort of older tune coming from a defunct UK band from the late 90s. This tune comes from their last album in 2000 (after they changed their name by adding "The" to it...nice touch) and I still dig it. I hope you all do too. Enjoy!

Song of the Moment 7/29/11
Gasoline by The Catherine Wheel

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SotM: 7/21/11

This tune was released as a single from this band in late April and their album was released a month later. I first heard it not long after that and I loved it. They definitely are not my favorite band but I dig this jam. Hope you enjoy too!

Song of the Moment 7/21/11
Holding On To Black Metal by My Morning Jacket

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SotM: 7/17/11

My new preferred style of giving you tunes is to get straight to the point. Here's a track from an album that will be released on Tuesday. This band rules and I really dig this song. Hope you enjoy!

Song of the Moment 7/17/11
Got It All by Portugal. The Man

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SotM: 7/8/11

Short and's a cool tune, or 2 from a band that put out a new album a month or so ago. So here's 1 track from their new album and 1 from their old. Enjoy.

Song of the Moment 7/8/11
Helplessness Blues by Fleet Foxes

Song of the Moment 7/8/11
Blue Ridge Mountains by Fleet Foxes

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SotM: 7/5/11

Hope you all had a great 4th of July...and a Happy late Canada Day...because we all definitely celebrate that holiday in America. Take THAT Minnesota relatives who are Canadian. :) (Love youuuu)

Here for you all now is a song from Coldplay. I first heard it in February when I was roadtripping with my friend Ben and he played this tune on his iPod. It was awesome and I loved it but was confused as to why I hadn't heard this Coldplay song, because I know almost all of their stuff. Well, they released it as a single, in June, from their upcoming album so we were way ahead of the game. They just premiered the video a week ago and it's pretty cool. Man, do these guys love stop motion. Warning: I swear this video can probably cause seizures. It's a little uncomfortable to watch, but I hope you enjoy the music and the great video regardless!

Song of the Moment 7/5/11
Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay

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