Lunch with a Famous Person

Recently my sister had to fill out some survey for being a brand new teacher at this new school, and one of the questions she was asked was the typical: If you could have lunch with any person who would it be?

Until just now my answer has ALWAYS been Desmond Tutu. He spoke at JMU, he was amazing, he has done amazing things, and he has a good sense of humor. I used this answer so often my friend Chelsea even bought me a little book of his quotes and his life. I even named my car Desmond for a little while there. Well sorry Desmond you've been replaced.

As I thought about that question some more I got a new answer. I decided that I would eat lunch with myself. Alone. Because...well...I can't think of anyone living that could be quite as awesome as me. That is all. Goodnight to you.

Fast Food is the Fast Track... death.

I swear that after I first ate a KFC Double Down (and yes I got the crispy deep fried battered deliciousness and not the lame "healthy" grilled one) I thought I might die. And I don't mean the kind of "die because I'm so happy" kind of death. This was more of a "I had always hoped I'd die a quick death" feeling. It was surprisingly delicious though. How could cheese, bacon, and special sauce between 2 crispy chicken breasts not be tasty? Well after I realized this might be the end of me, I said a little prayer, and kept on eating the fatty goodness and sipping on my Mountain Dew.

Arby's curly fries: pure heaven? or artery clogging hell?! Medium curly fries are 540 calories and 29 grams of fat. also has 6% of my daily value of Vitamin C?! Perfect. I'm being healthy.

The Hamburglar isn't just stealing your burgers...he's also stealing years of your life. At McDonald's my favorite thing is their strawberry milkshakes. I once got a large shake, drank the whole thing in 30 minutes, then proceeded to have what I call "dairy throat" afterward. Well, that large milkshake I had was a tiny 26 grams of fat....but don't worry it only has 2 grams of Trans Fat. That's the stuff that'll kill you. The other stuff is harmless. Right?

Lastly, let's make my old roommates feel terrible and knock out Wendy's. Of course we must analyze their favorite: The Baconator. Having any sort of "Terminator" nickname + bacon = a definite death...and one more Terminator play on words the world didn't need. Just throwing that equation out there. Archimedes said it. Anyways, their favorite burger, let's assume they got a Baconator Double, has 980 calories, 63 grams of fat, 1830 mg of sodium, but it's definitely good for you because if you're trying to bulk up after the gym it has 58 grams of protein. Screw protein shakes.

PS: In case you were wondering...KFC's Double Down is 0 grams of fat, -735 calories, and 0.00001 mgs of sodium. Trust me. I'm an expert.


I'm pretty sure that other than sleeping, most of my time this summer has involved watching soccer. I've loved it for years. I've had a fantasy Premier League team every year since I graduated high school. I have multiple jerseys from my few favorite teams. I have 3 Chelsea FC scarves to my name. I got wayyyy too excited for the World Cup this year. matter which way you slice it: Calcio, Futbol, Football, or Soccer...I'm a big loser. I'm a soccer nerd.

Today I reached a new low. I sat around for over an hour and watched the UEFA Champions League groups be drawn just so I could see who Chelsea would have to play. (In case you cared it is Olympique Marseille, Spartak Moskva, and MSK Zilina) Most people just look it up online, or hear about it after they get off work, when it's all done with because it's a borderline waste of time. CORRECTION: Huge waste of time. They just draw names and numbers out of little Easter egg looking soccer balls until every team is in a group. Well...I watched the whole dang thing.

Wow...if I have learned anything from this today, it is this: I need a job.

Good ole 1787

So it's been about a month now since my last post. That's because 1) I've been busy job hunting/sleeping in til noon. 2) I've been hoping to have my website done soon and I'd just blog there instead...I feel as though people are less likely to follow me here. Anyways...don't mattah none!
Since my last post I have been home in Richmond, helped my best friend Clint move to Charlotte, went to Baltimore with Alison, went to Busch Gardens with some awesome Orientation alumni, Heidi graduated from bootcamp in Rhode Island, and I wrestled a bear. Ok maybe not the bear thing.

The thing that started about 18 hours ago though was something big for me: 1787 August Orientation at JMU. I already graduated from JMU, I'm glad I'm not there offense to JMU. I loved it there, it changed me for the better, I learned so much, but I have a love for film and I know that I needed to leave there if I was ever going to have a chance of succeeding in that. But since I am now a graduate you'd think I shouldn't care about some Orientation stuff. Well...too bad...I shut up. I was a First-Year Orientation Guide (FROG) in 2007 which started me on the right track, an Orientation Peer Adviser (OPA) in 2008 which forever changed my life, and lastly I was a 1787 August Orientation Coordinator in 2009 which has made me a much stronger person and has made me into who I still am today.

I experienced 1787 (which is essentially a "welcome week" to JMU) as a student, a FROG, an OPA, then lastly as one of the creators of it all. It's an important week to me. As a student, 1787 helped me realize that I actually liked JMU...a lot. It was not my first choice, it essentially became my only choice which has been my life's biggest blessing in disguise.
During 1787, my roommate Doug and I got to know each other over some greasy Chanello's pizza. I developed a crush on Rachel X. Lafferty who has since been my best friend. James "Stud" Gundlach introduced me to the "real" college life.

Well...this is a big week for me only because it's no longer a week for me. It's no longer my school. It's a little sad, but yet liberating and exciting. Hooray no pressure on me! Instead I can now give some wisdom I've gained. I know that not all first-years love JMU as much as the Orientation folks, so tone it down for some. I know that some FROGs are overly confident in themselves, and they might need a good reality check. I know that some OPAs might struggle with the position of authority and finding a balance. I know that a 1787 Coordinator might not get the support that they need to get through the day and get worn down easier than many think.
I know all those things because that's how I felt. Many others have felt that too, yet some haven't I guess. So, the only thing I can bring to this year's 1787 August Orientation is a big smile and a little bit of hope. I can simply stay where I am, support the awesome FROGs, the amazing OPAs and ANTs, commend the unsung OOAs and Josh, applaud the SOCs and pro-staff, and lastly I can sing the praises of Morgan, Anna, and Sarah O. until I lose my voice.
(But Sarah can sing lots better than me, so I might let her sing her own praises if that's ok)

Well...soon begins Day 2 of 1787 at JMU. I will be waking up at 8am to send out a text to those 3 lovely ladies wishing them luck and showing my support once again. They know I love them but I'd like to show it every day because it can be a tough week where a little bit of love can go a long way. That's the best I can do.

-There should never have to be a special occasion or event that inspires us to tell those that we love how much we truly do love them. It should be something we desire to do every waking moment of the day.