Vids for the Kids: 2/28/11

Thanks to my sister quoting this thing 100 times it started to rub off. I even quoted "I just HAD to go..." to my friends a few weeks ago too. So, the return of Vids for the Kids is brought to you by the one, the only, greatest hype man of all time, with a heart as big as his clocks...FLAVOR FLAV!! And does anyone else love he compares her to a gorilla? Or that he "respects" her for that? Wow...I really miss this show.

Vids for the Kids 2/28/11
Flavor of Love 2 plus #2


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SotM: 2/23/11

It's back BIOTCHES! I know you've been waiting for it! Well...I've got lots of songs to be used for future songs (and as always, I welcome suggestions). I've got lots of songs to use, sure, but I don't have as much time as I used to...yet I don't have a job keeping me busy. WTF?

So, for your listening pleasure, after a 28/29 hiatus, here is a new Song of the Moment. This tune, I first heard on the radio while washing my car on a nice sunny day (that was actually 40 degrees). NOTE: do not wear sandals while washing your car on a cold day because nobody wants to limp back into the barely warm house with the only perk of your hard time spent being that your car will be shiny for a few days until the next flock of birds decides it's time for a big ole feces-fest. Moving on...this song comes from a band from LA that has only been around since 2009. This band is practically unknown, which surprised me because this song sounds like they've got some talent/years behind them. Well...I guess instead they just have talent. Now, without any more jibbah jabbah...a lil diddy that won't make you pity the fool...

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So recently, I've been slacking in the blog department.
But whyyyy Tyler? We just love your blogging so much!

Ok fine, I'll explain then. I've been busy. I'm currently pursuing a job that requires me to make a few videos, so I've been very busy. I also have been traveling some. Lastly, I'm just out of the blogging groove. It takes a little time and devotion to actually sit down with the sole purpose of blogging. And sometimes, my mind can't help but think that blogging is ridiculous.

Think of the concept: Hi there, you and I are total strangers but thanks to this new-fangled interwebs and such, we can totally become the bestest of friends! Or bffs as they say!....idk! LOL! ;)

It's kind of weird. Might seem a little vain. Might seem a little pompous.
But...then I remember how totally awesome I am and how much people love me and love my life and are so totally jealous of everything that I do and are totally in awe of my skills and abilities and they wish they had a fashion sense like me and they wish their car had $15 WalMart spinnahs on it too and they wish they wrestled with bears on the regular too and had the super power of being able to summon Chinese food on command at any moment from 9am to 10pm.

Hatahs hate. I'll keep blogging for the loyal fans out there in the blogosphere or interwebs or whatever it's supposed to be called! This one's for you. Peace.

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My Awesome Friends: Part 7

After weeks off from blogging, due to lots of work, traveling, and such...I'm back with the 7th and final installment of how awesome my friends are. Enjoy!

Part 7: Bats

Freshman year I lived in Gifford Hall, on the basement floor. Doug and I lived in 008, The Ocho. Our RA Chris E. decided to dub the Gifford basement..."The BatCave." We were the first Gifford BatCave, and the name has stuck to this day. We all had Bat Symbols on our doors for our names, we made lots of other batty-themed things, and we even had aBatCave Guest Book that was signed by everyone who came to our floor, including all the girls in our gang who lived on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors. Some of the guys on the 2nd floor were really close friends of ours too, and thanks to Pirate Ben, they were sort of known as the Pirate's Cove...but Cave beats Cove and Paper covers Rock. Boom. That year, thanks to plans from Chris the RA, we even painted a giant mural on the wall of Batman doing The Thinker pose with bats flying by him. We even made the light spots on the stalactites and stalagmites be our names, which we unfortunately had to paint over before we moved out or else they were going to paint over the whole wall. A few years later they painted a Joker face on the opposite wall that looks kind of weird. I also heard a rumor that our Batman mural was defaced and someone drew a mustache on him...not cool man. Show some respect. Well, Chris left us early that year in October I think, he moved on to be a Hall Director on campus, but we all still loved the guy, we missed him a lot, and the name of The Gifford BatCave lives on to this day, thanks to him and thanks to some freshman guys who really took the name/theme to heart and made sure EVERYONE knew who we were.

Sophomore year I lived in Wampler with Chris C. the 1st semester, before he studied abroad in Italy, and my man Zan/Zainul/Z the 2nd semester. I moved next door with Z because I got a new roommate who was mad weird, and Z was flying solo so he welcomed me next door and we had a blast that semester. He is one crazy kid, agreat friend, and a fantastic roommate! He always knew how to have fun, have a good time, and showed me some awesome new sides of dorm life. One time that semester he had left to go study or something and he calls me about 15 seconds after he left the room. Not sure why he was calling, but I answered it. All he says is, "Dude...come out in the hall." So I go, and he's ducked around the corner near the elevator, just sticking his head out, and he waves me towards him. I'm walking and he doesn't say a word, but is looking at the ground. So, as I'm walking I look down to see what he's looking at as I almost step onto something that shouldn't be there. It's a bat. I jump so high I think I hit the ceiling, but I can't be sure. I jump straight up and end up coming back down right on the bat, so I spread my legs and straddle the bat as I'm yelling "Ah it's a bat!" Obvious statement in hindsight. Well, Z just laughs and ends up saying he'll see me later, hops on the elevator and leaves. I'm standing alone in a hallway with a bat. WTF, Z? WTF?! So, I get Morgan, who lives next door, and Kelly her suitemate to help me out with this. I'm pretty sure Lindsay as gone, which is a good thing because I probably would've chased her around with it because I kind of liked messing with her the most out of those girls, and I had such a little boy crush on her. Anyways...we put the bat into a BOWL. It couldn't fly, but it could hop, hence why it was on the ground in the hallway of a dorm, then it remained in the bowl for a few hours. We eventually got some guy from maintenance to come get it and he said he'd set it free in the Arboretum on campus. A bat that can't fly being set free? Sounds more like a death sentence. RIP little bat.

End of junior year, summer time, I have another batty run-in. This one is rather short because really all I can say about it is that I was walking frommy house towards downtown with Chris H. and a few folks then we realize there is something in the MIDDLE of the dark street right where we were crossing. Turns out we almost step on it and it's a bat. Nice job scaring me from the ground again, Mr. FLYING Bat. I didn't see that one coming, once again.

Before that though, was the best bat run-in. My house in Harrisonburg was 2 blocks away from the girl's house, or my sister house as my parent's called it. They were the sorority to our frat I guess you could say. They called themselves the Safe Harbor and that name stuck for both years they were there. These were the 1st and 2nd floor Gifford girls we got so close with, then Casey from my 2k8 Orientation team joined the mix as a grad student during our senior years because Anne moved out like the lil townie she is. So...we had to come up with a house name, because the girls already had one. Yet, we all agreed that the house needed to earn the name. After a hike, that I missed, the gang suggested The Crevasse, and I had previously suggested Wayne Manor...because we had decided we wanted to try something other than our freshman dorm name, but I thought it was a nice way to remember it. But then this happened...

In my room one night, I was sitting at my desk, working at my computer. To my right are 2 windows that lead out to the roof, a tall stand-up lamp, and a small shelf. As I'm sitting there doing work, I hear a small scratch scratchscratch sound. I keep working. It's just the wind, I say. I hear it again. So I stand up, make sure to not knock over my tall lamp like I too often do, and raise my blinds. For some dumb reason I assumed that a tree, which did not exist in my front or side yard near my windows, was scratching my window. I felt pretty dumb. So, I lower the blinds, turn to go back to my desk, and see it. Inside my tall lamp, with those tops like an up-side-down lamp shade, was a little friend. A bat was curled up inside there, with its wings crossed over its face, showing only its eyes as it stared right at me. I was stunned. Slowly, I backed out of my room, closed the door and yelled, "THERE'S A BAT IN MY ROOM! EVERYONE COME HERE NOW!" Chris, James, Doug, and Christian assemble like it's their duty. Dallas was probably off drinking blood or something. If Colin and Jared had been there...Colin would've showed up with a beebee gun in hand and Jared would've been super pumped to try to kill a bat/watch Colin shoot a bat like the rest of us. I open the door, show them the lamp it's in, then we all run out again to discuss what to do. Doug silently walks off, then comes out of his room with thick black winter gloves on and flexes his fingers because apparently he intended to just grab it and run it out the front door like a scene straight out of Ace Ventura When Nature Calls....Shikaka. Anyways...I think Chris grabbed a black pillow case and we devised our plan. As a team, we were all going to go in there and make this work. A window would be opened, the pillow case would be put over the lamp, Doug in his protective gear would hold the pillowcase down to make sure it didn't escape, and some of us would pass the lamp out the window and get ready for hell to break loose. sort of went to plan. Chris and Doug end up on the roof. Chris pulls off the pillow case and Doug begins to swing my lamp, like a giant baseball bat being slammed headfirst onto the ground, knocking it against the roof. It went a bit like this, with every word being said as he hit the lamp on themetal roof: "Get. Out. Bat. Get. Out." Then we let him know we didn't see it come out, so he slowly looks into the lamp, then says it isn't there. Instantly, Chris realizes it didn't even leave the pillowcase. Doug drops the lamp and literally dives in the window as Chris just throws the pillowcase straight up in the air and it falls to the roof with a thud as he dives inside the house too. The rest of us make sure the screen is closed, help them to their feet, and we all gather to watch to see what happens. We press our faces all around the window to watch the twitching mass. Of course...nothing happens. So, Chris slowly goes back onto the roof, picks up the pillowcase and begins to shake it so the bat will fall out. He shakes and nothing falls. Then he realizes he's holding in the wrong way, with the opening facing his face. AH! I can't remember if he dropped it again or just quickly spun it around, but regardless, after some quick acting...the bat tumbled out onto our metal roof with a small THUD. Chris dove back into my room as the window was slammed shut behind him. Then we all turned around to watch. The bat simply flapped a little, twitched, and stayed on my roof for at least a half hour. Most everyone left after a few minutes, and I kept looking every few minutes, until at one point it was simply gone. After that point, I think we all agreed that 1) we handled that like true (college) men and 2) our house had finally earned its name after about 6 months.

Our house, of 323 West Market Street, was now to be called The BatCave. The name of our freshman year hall would live on through this house filled with 2 years of great times, good laughs, and incredible friendships...all thanks to a Jared, Colin, Christian, Doug, Chris, Tyler, James (Stud), Heidi, Anne, Em, Britt, Rach, Case, and Hollins who was everyone's favorite significant other who lived just a block away...and Dallas too I guess....

So case you were wondering who had better's not even a competition...because I win.
My friends and I build igloos, celebrate Thanksgiving together, tailgate better than you, wrestle, shoot guns, prank each other, throw better parties, went bigger on Spring Break than you, had a better living room than you, have a bunch of girls in our gang that are "SO pretty", drink Foster's like champs, graduated together, lived together, cooked together, and wrangled bats together for 4 years. My friends are awesome.

End of Part 7: Bats

the end.

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My Awesome Friends: Part 6

Though it comes late in the is Part 6 of the blog saga of awesome times and memories with my college friends.

Part 6: Grocery Shopping

My roommates will all tell you that when it comes down to the core of eating...I eat terribly. My main diet at JMU consisted of peanut butter, cereal, and chips & salsa. It was bad. There were some times I was so broke that I literally only ate spoonfuls of PB for dinner. It was rough. And I was terribly unhealthy. For long stretches of time I would go without milk, fruit, and few vegetables....without noticing. I changed it a bit senior year by eating lots of lettuce and meat wraps...usually turkey, chicken, or tuna. Regardless, I still are terribly on a consistent basis. It's a wonder I'm alive today. Some of the guys were pretty bad too. I don't even recall Doug having a food cabinet...though I know he did. I just never saw it with anything other than cans of soup. Stud only ever had Ramen in his cabinet or huge containers of homemade Italian food and NYC bagels in the freezer, which he nursed for months. Chris ate the strangest crap ever considering he found out he was allergic to...well...everything. Everything was organic or vegan or that kind of junk. Christian ate kind of poorly too....until he got a girlfriend. After that he sort of had to impress her with his occasional cooking abilities. Sometimes, during the summer when it was just Christian and me, he would feed me with their leftovers. It was awesome. Falafel? A thank you very much Christian and Hollins!

Well, when it came to groceries and grocery shopping...our usual house routine went a little something like this. Everyone in our house had a car, except for Doug. So, he usually was the one who was worst out of all of us in regards to amount of food in his possession. One day, out of nowhere, you'd hear Doug ask when we were going to the store next for groceries. Every once in a while you felt bad because nobody had to go, so he was screwed for a little longer, unless he borrowed a car or rode his bike there. But, most of the time Doug asking was a way of notifying the whole house that we were low on food. These same giant house excursions would also happen when we needed beer for a big night/weekend, and also for tailgating for football games, and also for snow days. On those occasions we always did it big, always rolled deep to the store, and always needed to buy a TON of stuff. So, after Doug, or sometimes someone else, would ask us...we'd all gather up our canvas bags, hop into one car and go to the store. Sometimes it was Food Lion. Sometimes it was Martins. But...the majority of the was glorious old Kroger. We started this thing where whenever we went, we began to notice no one parked in the Employee of the Month spot. After a while, I decided to park there one time, even though Christian suggested I not. Well...after that, we became the Employees of the Month, and always parked there if it was open...which it was 99% of the time. We'd roll into Kroger, 5 deep, sometimes 6 or 7 if Colin and Jared came, and we'd all go shopping for grub. I usually went for meat and cheese, lettuce, LOTS of peanut butter...the container I usually bought had to have been at least 2 pounds. I went through it quicker than you'd think. We'd occasionally buy cheap stuff, stuff on sale, stuff about to spoil, etc. And we always...ALWAYS...went for the Manager's Specials. They'd take an item that was on or near its Sell-By date and they'd mark it down significantly. Once I even got a pork loin for $3 that was usually about $11. Most of the time though it was baked goods. We'd go in looking for regular groceries and come out with assorted junk and a Manager's Special chocolate cake and apple pie. How does that make sense at all? the mind of a few broke college's 1+1=2. It just makes sense. Perfect sense. So we'd leave the store. We had our bags incredibly full and were probably tired, hungry, and a little frustrated by this point because self-checkout it stupid and always thinks you're stealing items by not putting them in the bag so you have to try to swipe it again, start over, or get help the entire time and could have saved lots of time and effort by walking 20 more feet and getting into a regular line like everyone else. UGH. Then we'd fill up the seats, floors, and trunk of the car with all of our junk until we got home to the BatCave. Once back, we'd have to spend the next few minutes taking time to find room in our packed fridge for all the food. Our cabinets were usually bare...but somehow our fridge was almost always full. I opened up rotten milk, spoiled beets, and some moldy rice one time because we'd forgotten about it and it was taking up space. In case you were wondering...rotten rice is like a rainbow of mold! Greens, teals, reds, whites, was beautiful. "What does it mean?!" It means you let your rice get moldy...idiot. Then once we were all settled in with our new food, half of which was junk like Manager's Specials, popcorn, PB, candy, sugary cereal, and such...we'd all head to the living room, turn on the TV and watch some late night shows like Colbert, Cheaters, Planet Earth, or something along those lines, we'd all hang out, relax and watch the shows while we ate the same old crap we already had before we went shopping anyways. Peanut butter always tasted great...and grocery shopping was always an adventure with the BatCave guys.

End of Part 6: Grocery Shopping

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My Awesome Friends: Part 4 & 5

This post today is a combo of reasons why my friend's are awesome. I figured after my weekend hiatus from blogging...that I'd pick it up, do a 2-for-1, and tell you how awesome they are. So, we now return to how awesome my friends are...

Part 4: FOSTAHS!

(part of our gang that went on the cruise)

Spring Braek 2010, my friends and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. The boat left from Baltimore, stopped once in Florida, then was intended to be 2 days in the Bahamas, followed by a return to Baltimore. Well...bad weather kept us out of Freeport on 1 day in the Bahamas would have to suffice. Yet, we had about 4 days at sea before that. You get a little bit of cabin fever when you're on a boat for 4 days matter how big the boat is. So, our gang decided to spice it up. We always had a lot of fun getting dressed up for formal nights, going out to eat a classy dinner of seafood and rich desserts, drinking Foster's so often we were literally called "Fostahs" by the staff, and of course...dancing the night away in Beauties, the on-board club. We called it Biddies, of course, and we pretty much always arrived too early, and so we'd all go to the dance floor, dance Emily and Heidi and Anne into a wall, and generally just have a good time making fools of ourselves.
So, we obviously had to make the fun by ourselves while we were stuck at sea for days and days. One of our best ways was so incredibly simple. We wore bathrobes. Every morning, we got a huge breakfast delivered to our room. Chris, Christian, and I roomed together. Heidi, Annie, and Em were 2 doors down. Doug, Stud, Colin, and Jared were a few floors up. So, Chris and Christian and I got up, ate our giant breakfast, poured a few cups of coffee to go, and called the guys. We told them to wear their bathrobes, and we met up on the upper decks. We all just walked around in our robes, drinking coffee from our mugs, on the deck as we talked and joked and looked out into the ocean. People we jealous. People were especially jealous of Doug's attire because he made his belt his orange belt from his karate class. Awesome. We even met a few people later on that day from Penn State, as we chilled with them in the hot tub, and they commented that we were the "bathrobe guys" from that morning. Proof of how awesome we are.

End of Part 4: FOSTAHS!

Part 5: Our Living Room

At the BatCave house, our living room was legendary. It was full of awesome things, including the black flowery undergarment mentioned in the Igloo post. It had 2 large couches, 2 large chairs, then the usual coffee table and tv. Then, near the fireplace that we weren't allowed to use...there was the epic table. It was constructed by the Gundlach men, the summer before our junior year. It was dozens of neon/highlighter-water filled Corona bottles, arranged in rows, visible through clear plexiglass. In the middle of the table, where both sides of the Corona bottles had the JMU logo, complete with Duke Dog. Right over the table, placed upon the wall as a beacon of our house...was a poster of the Bat Symbol. Along the other walls were several other posters: a poster from almost every JMU sports team, a few science/nerdy ones supplied by Christian, a few movie posters, 1 that advertised a yard sale, and even a large banner advertising tomatoes that Chris got from Texas. In the corner was a parking sign, saying commuter parking in the rear. A small poster advertising a local bar's happy hour hung over the fireplace, and a few more political posters hung up too. We had a Chinese straw hat. We had a GMC truck grill. We had a Verizon wireless sign. We had a large orange cone. We had home plate. We had a shelf stocked full of empty bottles...literally hundreds of bottles, each one different...which we had collected over time. We even had a few champagne bottles that we popped when we found out Obama won. We had a mangled piece of metal from an accident sitting over the fireplace too. Hanging from one of the lights on the wall was a toilet seat. On the walls, pinned up nicely, we had multiple ladles. That was our thing...don't ask. So...our living room just had a lot of junk in it to the average person...but to was all treasure that we had accumulated ourselves and had added to make that house OURS.

End of Part 5: Our Living Room

If you'd like to read a bit more about the old BatCave house, you can reference my first blog post ever, here. See you tomorrow my friends!

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