Working for the Weekend too?

Well actually I didn't work Thursday or I stopped working for the weekend on Wednesday. Sorry. In other news: in a few short hours I return to my other home. I'm going back to JMU for Homecoming 2010!!

I'm not sure what to do with myself. I'm excited to pick up Chaney for the drive, I'm pumped to see Kevin Gibson and SEBO, my lady, all my O-Team friends, my Safe Harbor girls, some SA friends, and a bunch of those random folks I don't care about. (Kidding) Because of my excitement to return home for my first ever Homecoming as an alum...I truly don't know what to do with I'm going to lay a bunch of my blogging crap on you. Most of it will deal with JMU-type if you didn't go to JMU...then I feel sorry for you. Also, if you didn't go there, then just say "I missed out" and go ahead and check out what I got for you anyways! Enjoy!
PS: Go Dukes!!

Song of the Moment 10/15
Paris (Ooh La La) by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Peanut Butter Ice Cream

First off...WTF?! According to the blog spell check "ice cream" is 2 words?! Well that's news to me! Anyways...if you're ever eating some place that is a buffet (D-Hall/E-Hall/Mrs. Green's/Golden Corral?) you need to make your own dessert. Side note: NEVER spell "dessert" wrong. We always want more of it, that's why it has more "s"s in the word. Duh. So, you need to grab a bowl about the size of a cereal bowl. Go for the soft-serve vanilla ice cream (try chocolate later if you'd like) and get a decent portion with room to spare. Then head to wherever they have peanut butter and hit that stuff up. Drop in a large spoonful of creamy peanut butter. Then, grab a seat, grab a spoon, vigorously stir it up so the peanut butter is evenly distributed, then enjoy. It's good stuff.

I think this is all too true...
"Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so." - John Stuart Mill
For the most part, I agree. I think that once you question your happiness, you then doubt your happiness, and doubt can be a destructive thing, thus ending your happiness. Yet, I think Abe Lincoln spoke equally true words when he said....
"Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. " - Abraham Lincoln
So...just be happy my friends!

Enjoy your weekend. Whether it's at JMU or not. Just live it up. Get up early, go for a hike or a walk in your park. Go to your local farmer's market. Go to the JMU football game. Go out for a drink with a friend you haven't seen in a while. Soak it all up while you live it up. It's going to be a great weekend with the potential to be a fantastic one. So.....LIVE IT UP.

That's all I've got for you peeps. Now stop reading this crap and go do something.

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